could u please nicely lower my car and put these wheels on it and do a 2 tone paint....kinda wild but not too crazy...i want top candy apple red and bottom dark metalic charcoal ....or if u see wheels that would look sweet on it go right ahead...and could i get all my windows tinted...nd maybe if its not too much to ask can u put a z-24 front and sides on it...
sorry biggest i got
need bigger pics
"Boost tuning"....... have you had your 8 PSI today?
future name of the winter shop!!!
Just to let you they will not fit without adapters. your car is 5x100 those are 5x110.
hey please just try and do the best u guys can with what i got...
it would also help to have a better quality pic
how is this one guys
best one i got
for anyone to even want to try that chop you really need a high res pic
it would also help to have a straight on side view of your car to make the rim chop easier
well its all i nevermind than...cuz the car is parked w/out kit and and can't take a side view pic where its at