Hey guys my girlfriends racecar is in our trailor and she is a huge steelers fan as opposed to my eagles fan family. her car has the steelers emblem at the back and the words down the front in yellow. can someone shop me her car as a full eagles sponsored car full paint including helment i'll get pics if someone car do this though just figured i would ask before i got the pics here is a pic of kinda what the car looks like.
here is a pic of the kind of helmet too i will get a pic of hers on the car so i can show the pic and be like here ya go this is what we did to it while we had it
12.693 @ 110.86 All Motor New Times Coming
something exactly like that i will get the pictures from our trailor as the car sits now with her helmet and post them up tomorow morning would you be able to do it once more i really appriciate it any others are more than welcome to tray thnx again.
12.693 @ 110.86 All Motor New Times Coming