Could someone do these things ( sorry about the huge pics )
-FMIC behind the Z bumper W/ the licsense plate cut out
2 with the honda-tech bumper cut out
-Tilt hood for drag racer look
MY CAR did the rim chop myself
and in another pic could you throw these on there?
thank you so much
"HONDA" tech wana-be
could someone also make a single bulb headlight? ( no divider in the middle like the 2K cav )
thanks again
"HONDA" tech wana-be
I dont think that tilted hood is suppose to be tilted.. looks like it doesnt fit
Scotty I can't tell whether your being sarcastic about the hood or not but if your not it is suppost to be like that. Honda guys do that to their hood to get more circulation under there when the go w/ a ITB set up. On all the B series motors the IM is in the back so it allows the ITB's to get more air to them.
I did not know that it was suppose to be tilted, a vented hood might have the same effect.
yea you put washers under the hood bolts
lotsa 240sx guys do that to vent hot air
2000 Camaro V6.
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