could someone make my car white?
Silver is far better in my opinion, but obviously you're not asking for it. I'll do it this weekend If I can find the time.

1/4 Mile ET 15.2579 at 89.97mph
^no offense but that doesnt really even look different lol
figured i'd do a quick one, just selected and brightened.. nothing special
White looks better and chage the rims to black!!
Would loook sweeeeet
Mike Baynton wrote:White looks better and chage the rims to black!!
Would loook sweeeeet
i can't believe i'm saying this but i actually like your car in white. i say do it too like said above^
5 seconds to find another street...
stephen (manta z) wrote:^no offense but that doesnt really even look different lol
None taken -- you're right about it looking the same.
The problem with making a silver car look white is that you tend to lose the shadows and highlights. In bright light, a silver car looks white. In dim light, a white car looks silver.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
I still think you should leave it silver just darken up the rims leaving the chrome lip.

1/4 Mile ET 15.2579 at 89.97mph
that is sexy now if I can find a set of black rims and a set of bronze rims could someone photoshop those in as well? maybe also throw a oem CF hood on too? lol thanks for the chop already I LOVE IT!!!