with this photo? maybe make it look old, or toonish? its all on you guys!
and yes, this is my car...
sorry, i forgot to put that in the first post!
thanks in advance everyone!
are you gonna make a sig out of it?? check this out, something I messed around with, I don't like it much, but you might.
yea... im going to make a sig... that's pretty cool but could you throw some more ideas at me?
or anyone for that matter?
yea, I'll try some other things, like I said, I don't really like that one much. anything specific you're goin for, besides toon, or old??
nah, the only other thing is can you put "'99Z Soon to be boosted" or something in there?
a toon

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy
Dude, how do you do that ?!
pen tool, but i'm not that good at it...Auz is really good...he's the one that told me about the pen tool.

Burning To Rise And Disprove All Who Would Take Comfort In My Demise -Divine Heresy