I'm looking for ideas for my tails to be unique.
So far I've only come up with painting them black and tinting the signal orange.
Who can help me so I can figure this out!?
so you basically want 95-99 toyos?
pretty much yeah.
just somethin different with them because they're so faded
Could even do a deep red or something also.. Like i said: different.. because theyre so faded.
azncav wrote:body color?
I don't know if this was a question for the body color or a suggestion of body color..
But as I replied, body color is black. Just wanted to clear that up.. even if I was the only foggy one.
Put some stockers in and tint them all red. Out in the wild, your tails are different. Around here you just have the same tails as everyone else... I don't see you being able to do something that hasn't already been done on here or ruining them.
I want different for myself, not so much "out in the wild" or here. I've had the same Toyota tails for way too long and a change is in order
not sure why its so small but you get the idea
Why not do a light coat of vht nite shades..just to darken them up a bit but still being able to see the 50/50 look
Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
Daniel Cooper wrote:Why not do a light coat of vht nite shades..just to darken them up a bit but still being able to see the 50/50 look
I believe Tinkles did this or was in the process. Not sure what happened to that project.
Paint the trim gunmetal and tint the turn signal.