what would happen if i ran on stock plugs? all my friends want me to try out my nx 75 shot kit and i want to wait til i get colder plugs.. they want to go to the track tomorrow but i dont think ill have plugs by then.. so whats the worst that can happen if i run on the stock plugs and how much of a risk am i taking by using the kit with stock plugs??
this will only be one night that i will do it and the only time i will use nitrous with stock plugs.. just wanna know what will happen
here comes the boost!
According to all companies, Nitrous will NOT work well with platinum plugs. Some people say you will be lucky to have the engine running with nitrous and platinum plugs. so if you are running an ecotec on nitrous change your plugs. Also a good idea to be running colder plugs on any nitrous. People fail to mention that running nitrous below 3000 rpm is BAD, and that the engin eshould be more or less "free running" when you spray.
can't you make a quick run into a parts store tomorrow?
<img src=http://ourworld.cs.com/jwithspray/Nitrosig13303.JPG>
nitrous on stock plugs = BAD
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
i did it an almost blew my motor i was lucky i didnt screw up the head its worth waiting till you get the colder plugs get the ngk tr6's there one of the bet plugs you can get to run nitirous
your friends are dumb,its easy for them to say spray its not there car,change the plugs.
dont do it. you will detonate immediately and ruin the bottom end. i saw an ecotec engine torn down after only one dyno pull on a 50 shot with stock spark plugs. although the engine didnt go, each of the pistons had large craters melted into the top. just too much heat.
well guys.. i should have listened to ur advice... oh well of to the junkyard to pick up and engine :-(
nawh.. i picked up some ngk tr6s today and ran with them.. check out the racing forum for times
here comes the boost!