Okay h seres the deal. When I turn the bottle on full and turn the heater on (about 2 min) the max pressure that is being read on the guage is about 550 psi. I know it will take a little while to get the bottle to warm up and its 34* outside tonight but the pressure it should be at is 800-1000 psi right?
The sensor is located in the engine bay right before the Zex box. The order is Bottle, line, sensor, purge adapter, box if that helps. Tomorrow I will move the sensor to right infront of the box and check all of the connections for leaks and maybe take the purge out and check it that way.
Is there anything else I should look at? Is that pressure reading right (800-1000)? Should i move the sensor to right on the bottle?
Oh and the bottle was filled acouple of days ago and i have not used it except to purge a bit to check things out. There was one leak that frosted the connector on the nitrous feed line so that spent a little bit.
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$%it need an edit button. There also is no sign that I do purge (400-550 psi with the bottle off at the time) except for the sound. No whiteish cloud just the sound. was the pressure too low to notice or is there something wrong?
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usually the pressure gauge is put at the bottle, but pressure is pressure. being in the engine bay will not significantly affect the readings.
the absence of the purge cloud is not abnormal, especially with the bottle off. the cloud that is seen comes from liquid nitrogen and sometimes water (from condensation). if the bottle has been closed its not gonna be feeding the cold nitrogen through the purge so it may lack some of the cloudy stuff. atleast thats the explanation i came up with. i often had purges w/o the visible cloud.
Yea i figured that out today about the purge. I drove around a bit with the bottle and the heater on (10 min or so) and it got to 700 or 800 psi (cant remember). I'm going to look for the longer sensor cable and place it in the trunk sometime soon.
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you have to realize, 34 degrees vs, say, 70 degrees. with every degree fahrenheit accounting for a 5psi increase in pressure, as a rule of thumb. temperature makes a big difference.