are secret cams better for nitrous or worse or any differance???
Im thinkin of a fairly large wet shot prob at least a 75 maybe lower def lower to start out but ill have dur da dur timing and what not but just wondering if a significance is gained.
depends are you going to do a valve train upgrade? also if you are going wet you have to tap the fuel lines for additional fuel which means double fittings and lines, i think i would price solenoids and lines before going wet, and you are going to do this after the head gasket right? also on stock internals and ignition?
tyler wichers has 125 on stock internals but he has the jbp cams
8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
i've tried 125 dry and 125 wet sprayed couple times 125 dry was to lean burned the plugs 125 wet needs to be tuned for it well at least the way i have it but yea
for 75 shot is a great start i used 75 dry all summer long no problems at all for motorwise id say just get colder plugs put it in and call it a day and go ill be sprayin 75 dry on my sc fire this summer as well also
Bottle fed Z and M45 Fire
pkay thanks i was just tryin to get at if it was gonna make a nig differance cuz i have to redo my head gasket as well and was just wondering if its worth putin the cams in also while im there if im juicin it anyway
ah haha my bad my bad a BIG differance