What lines ont the Ecotec should be used for the vaccume for the ZEX dry kit? We used the vaccume line off of the end of the fuel pressure regulator and the another vaccume off ot the bottome of the throttlebody is this right? or do we have to tap into the steel line? Just curious because I had a problem with the car dying on me for a short minute later on the night after we installed the kit but it stopped after a few minutes. By the way it's a 50 shot dry
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/twiztid04cavy/car051.JPG">
FPR---->NMU---->intake manifold.
theres 2 ports on the intake manifold covered by rubber caps. use one of them to connect the vacuum lines to the nmu box and fpr.
and none of that will cause your car to stall while driving w/o nitrous. the stalling was something minor and temporary.
dont mess with the steel fuel delivery/return lines. you dont need to tap them since the kit is dry.
i just T'd my fpr vac line and used one of the intake mani ports for the other (under the throttlebody on the actual manifold) and never had ne probs. went threw 2 bottles on 93 octane and ngk tr6's before i had to sell the kit. needless to say it was fun while it lasted. beat many of cars. sigh. i miss my kit, i gotta find another one.