to anyone thinking of getting sirius raido i would advise them not too, there customer service is , i would say on par with mantapart, in other words, might as well not exist...when i call there line ill either be put on hold and nobody ever answers...and the rare occasion i do get ahold of somone...htey will have such a thick accent i understand 1 out of 30 words they say and will be transfured to another department where i will be put on hold and never attended to.. right now if i was closer to there base in NYC i would go there and choke somone...i dont know anything about xm but im going to go out on a limb and say its the better choice
96 cavi(RIP),99 olds alero' WI_J's
WI j-tuner
really? ive had them for over a year, ive got 2 devices, and ive NEVER had a problem with customer service. in fact, the one time i called and got an indian guy, i was having trouble understanding him, he was like "would you like me to transfer you to someone with less thick of an accent?" i was like absolutley, no offense man, but its just hard to hear on a phone. hes like no worries, hold on. ive had nothing but nice experiences with sirius customer service!
i encourage everyone to go out, and experience it for themselves...if you have the same kind of experience that halfj99 did, then by all means ditch it! xm is no better tho, and i know that from experience, trust me.
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
up tell this point i havnt had as much trouble as i am now with them...that last post was made after half an hour of christmas music on makes a guy real hostile
96 cavi(RIP),99 olds alero' WI_J's
WI j-tuner
oh hellz yes, i didnt say i disagree with you being mad, you have every right to, i cant stand christmas music for 5 minutes let alone 90!
this useless post brought to you by the alcoholic known as LUNDiS
do you have a store to rep for you? when my customers have any probs i use my number for them, and get thru. thats somethinmg for your dealer to resolve, instead of just dishing on them. they are the best thing going right now. find a station like faction anywhere else, or even just like alt nation.
mecp certified installer#39272
i have had mine for almost 3 years and i have zero complaints about it. it has always worked. i tried xm and i dropped it in a month. i love my sirious