i was wondering if anyone knew how i could hook up a roof mount lcd for my passengers to watch. im tired of my crappy stock seats and decided a roofmount lcd would be the best bet to provide the passengers in the back something to do. so has anyone else here installed a roof mounts lcd or will i be the first and btw please post pics if possible.
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
Havn't done it in a cavalier but I have in a lot of other trucks and suv's. I know that in a cavy there is not enough metal brasses to screw it too. I like to use a pice of wood to hold it up. BUT only if the headliner can handle it. So you might have to think of a way to brace it. Also run it where your dome light is so you have a hole to run your wires in.
What does crappy stock seats have to do with a Roofmounted LCD? Im missing something here.
Are Lcd mounted in head rests not to your enjoyment?
head rest lcds in a racing seat? i think not. so id much rather have comfort seats and just one roofmount lcd for the passengers.
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
Mr.64 (Shaune Drake) wrote:i was wondering if anyone knew how i could hook up a roof mount lcd for my passengers to watch. im tired of my crappy stock seats and decided a roofmount lcd would be the best bet to provide the passengers in the back something to do. so has anyone else here installed a roof mounts lcd or will i be the first and btw please post pics if possible.
thats where i was gonna put it . but where the dome light is it kind of ovals down. so wont i need to cut out the dome light area to make the surface flat then install? or have i got this whole concept wrong?
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
Hmm.. I forgot about the oval. You might have to trim it a little to flatten it out, but remember, you need that headliner to help support the overhead. So don't cut too much.
or i could mount the screen on a piece of mdf and use an adhesive or something to stick it to the roof. im sure ill figure something out.
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
Glue a magnet to so mdf. Connect your Monitor to the mdf, and have the magnet hold to the roof.
^^^ prolly wouldnt work the magnet frequency would prolly mess with the lcd's picture and cause it to @!#$ up. i was thinking some 3m adhesive or the adhesive they used on the side molding of the cavy. anyone know where i can get that stuff from?
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
take the headliner off and there will be two supports going across the roof. cut a peace of 1"/4"plywood that will reach them both and skrew the wood to the supports. then cut out the bump on the headliner, flatten it.. whatever you would like and put the headliner back in. then all u have to do is position the screen and skrew it on. this way your headliner wont sag and your screen wont bob up and down over bumps. hope this helps
^^^well i looked at it last night and noticed that if i put it where the lights is not only would i have to cut but thte screen would come down closer to the passengers view instead of the people in the back thats why i decided id put it an inch behind it so that i can keep my light. im kinda confused about screwing into the supports... im not sure which one exactly your talking about. got a picture?
JBO'S Mr. 64.....
that works out even better because the supports are farther back then i remembered. heres a pic of what i mean
Mr.64 (Shaune Drake) wrote:^^^ prolly wouldnt work the magnet frequency would prolly mess with the lcd's picture and cause it to @!#$ up. i was thinking some 3m adhesive or the adhesive they used on the side molding of the cavy. anyone know where i can get that stuff from?
Magnet frequency ??
Never heard of that. "Magnetic flux" will screw with CRT monitors but LCDs aren't affected by magnets.
someone on here has done the roof mount before. I'll see if I can dig it up.