ok was wondering how big i can go for a box in the trunk? i still want to have a little room back there ie for my lunch box!! about 2ft in depth by the width of the car..... would i be able to get a 2cft box there ? or even a 3cu ft
Measure it and find out...lol. (length x width x height (all in inches...and internal dimesnsions...subtract for wood thickness) divided by 1728 = cubic feet of the box
A 2 cube box should be pretty easy to fit in there...since you already said 2 ft. deep...it would only have to be 12" high and 12" wide. This would be for a sealed box. A ported box you need to add volume for the port.
You can fit a 4cuft box in the trunk you will eather have to build it inside or cut some of the trunk. ithe biggest box that i ever made with out haveing to do eather of thoes 2 options was 36w x 16.5L x 13.5W and i used 3/4mdf
Build a bandpass box. I checked on building one for my non-j-body, and there was going to be about a 12" open space all along the back wall. That's it. I like my trunk space, so I opted for small sealed.
Respooled2k3 wrote:bandpass=single note box
Not really. Pre-fab boxes maybe...but not a custom built one made specifically for the sub going into it.
ok i dont know if this sounds right but i have determined that i can run a 6cu ft box? here are the diamentions
16" high, 36" wide and 20" deep which gives me 6.6 cu ft outside diamentions minus ports and wood thickness that should slide into the truck through the back seat still leaving me with about 3 cu ft of storage in the trunk
does this sound alright?