hey, I just bought a new system last week. I bought 2 10's premier subs and a 800Watt Extreme Amp. I also bought a Pioneer deck. Anyways,, when i drive the car for a while, and have the subs blasting.. the amp quit's and about 5 or 10 mintues it comes back on.. I looked and when it's working there's a blue light on (power) when it quit's theres a red light on ( protect says beside it) what could be going on??? the amp is getting really hot?? is this normal.. thanks
that means its overheating, you have to high of a load on the amp, or you are cranking it too much
or maybe not well ventilated?
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good.
if it's fan cooled, maybe the fan isn't working properly? also check the ohm load of the subs.
if its the directed Extreme. its not fan cooled. but i live in montana and it gets 100+ degrees most of the days of summer. i have the same amp. and ive NEVER had a problem with it accept when someone tried to steal it.