well i have a jl 12w7 in the ho box and the quality is amazing but i have the chance to get a eclipse titanium 15 and 250 bucks for my 12 w7 do you think this would be a step up for spl or down?
i want loud not necessarily clean but loud
PPPSSSS!!!! MMMMMmmmMMM boost=yummy
this may be a stupid question but what is a ho box
THe ho box is a box that JL made and the part number starts with "HO" making it known as the "ho" box! And to answer your question. The 12 will give you more lower end bass, and the 15 will give you high end bass. The 12 will drop harder and excurd more than the 15 will. I think that you're better off with the w7 in my opinion but that's just my .02
oh ok i thought it was another name for the back seat thanks for clearing that up
how do you figure that the 12s are gonna drop lower than a 15? you are a little mixed up. a 15 is gonna be deeper than most 12s and an 18 is gonna beat the 15. now this is a general rule of thumb. also in most cases the larger the woofer the more excursion it has. as far as im concerned i wouldnt do it. The only eclipse i would trade a dub7 for is the ti pro. now if that is the case and hes throwing in the 250 bucks id run with it.