Just recently my passanger side speaker started to crack and pop and normal listening volume, turning it up makes it worse and down obviously helps. I have brand new Pioneer speakers and I never abused them. I checked all my connections to see if anything was touching them, it happens at random times. I dont really have any ideas.
wow, thats really weird...mine has jsut started to do that to
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
Does it do it with the door panel off? You could have a bad set of speakers, it's been known to happen.
I have aftermarket pioneers in my qlogic kick panels.. so no the door panel is not into play.
If they're brand new, take them back and get a new set.
Thats the best you can post? I got them online and they would need to have these back before I would get another set and I would have to pay shipping.. Maybe ideas about how to fix the problem..
my speakers did that when the connection was crappy and the speaker would try to hit and crackle because the vibrations knocked the connection loose. check ALL the connections and make sure they are connected properly, if thats not it.. return them
it's not like we have a magic wand to fix your speakers. try swapping sides with the speakers. If it crackles on the other side, then send them back. if not, you have a bad connection somewhere.
I checked the connections, but I thought I would have more tips then sending them back.
Ill try to swap the sides then
um if got them running through a amp the frequency could be messed up i got some infinity's for the front and one of them was popping i took them back and it did the same thing then i messed with the frequency on my amp and now theyre perfect