i DID search, and did read some faqs.. so dont flame me too bad... and i also filled out the 'registry' because i saw many a noob get flamed for not doing that (and then asking a question, with no details).
anyways.. car is the 2001 cav in my registry, 2.2L sedan, automatic.. manual windows and door locks, no flashing led, i never ever see the theft light on (if it even has one)..
so my question is.. do minimal optioned gm's like her's have the passlock feature?
i have a new but older commando ez2200 remote starter to go in, so i figured if it needed a bypass i'd get this one:
thats the right one, right?
i installed a Commando FM-870 2-way in my ranger, with all the extras (and added power locks to the truck).. so im pretty sure i can do this one..
the kit i have for the cavvy seems kinda like a waste, a 4 button remote, but only 1 of them will ever be used, and less than half of the keyless/starter brain wires need to be hooked up.. mom could care less about power locks and fancy jazz, but she does like a warm car.
thanks for the help
you have passlock 2. all sunfires and cavaliers have it.