The heater controls in my car are completly @!#$. The previous owner had cut all the wires, and my heater controls crapped out on me so I am in the process of rewiring them to make them work again, and I am having some trouble. Does anyone have a wiring diagram of some sort for the heater controls? 96 Cavalier, base model, no a/c, rear defrost.
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Hope this helps
Light green wire - mode switch to microprocessor
Brown wire - mode switch to blower motor relay
Black/white - blower speed 1
Tan - blower speed 2
Light blue - 3
Orange - 4
Black - ground
Grey - illumination
It's all wired up fine, I heard there is a resistor or something somewhere that could blow? Where is it located, and also where is the relay located?
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K I was working on my car today, the resistor is fine, I checked the fuses in my engine bay and one of them was blone, and bam, heater kicks in as I changed it. Now I feel like an idiot swapping in new heater controls. Thanks anyways.
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5 year old thread ftw. My blower for the cabin quit recently. 01 Cavi, with AC. It was only working intermittently and finally just stopped working altogether. Pulled the blower out and tested it directly to the battery, works fine. Pulled the resistor, no burns or anything but who knows for sure. Next I broke out the test light and checked the 4 pins on the plug(for the resistor) with the key on and fan controls on. No juice at all coming to the resistor.
Then I went to the back of the heater controls and checked the plug for the fan speed selector. No juice there either.
I guess what I'm most interested in is the 3-pin plug that plugs in above the vacuum plug for the mode selector. The green wire is hot, but the other two(black) are not hot in any mode; I assume they're grounds? Does this plug supply the juice to the relay under the hood which then puts juice to the speed selector?
Thanks for reading the story guys!
"In Oldskool we trust"
Update: Relay went bad, replaced and fixed.
Thanks everyone.
"In Oldskool we trust"