Ok im trying to weed out the crap brands so i can get some good quality sound in my car.
Im looking for 1 8inch sub, 6x9's, 5.25 components a deck and an amp. Im thinking about going with elemental design for the sub but i dont know if they make 8in subs (whats their website? anyone know?). As for the other ones, im clueless about quality brands, and which to avoid (except sony xplode from what i hear). Also, what is a good reputable online store that would ship to canada?
Awesome company and awesome products from I hear. I've never heard their stuff but I love the company.
Eclipse (if you must stoop to that level, lol)
Ya, I like Alpine. Go mess with one at a store and you'll see what I mean. Some people like all the flashyness and blinking lights and buttons that some others offer but I like the simplicity of Alpine.
I like Alpine

I also REALLY like Focal, but they're expensive
wait for jlaudiocavalier to hop in, i'm sure he will - he'll say something prolly about CDT which I've heard is really good too
Hey, once again, I like Alpine - Nice amps, always underrated from what I've seen
JL amps are nice too
Focal has nice amps too but they are, once again, expensive
Brands to stay away from:
Ones I would NEVER put in my car...
Right now (in my sunfire, which im not driving) I have 6.5" elemental speakers (the 6500i system or whatever, forget the exact name) all the way around.
I also have 2 of their 15" 16ov.2 subs.
I cannot get enough of the system, I cant wait to get it put into my cav, I havent found a box thatll fit in the trunk yet. I had the speakers temporarily running off the deck, and the sub off a JL 500/1 amp.
It was ungodly loud (for me, and it was only on 1/2 the power I am eventually going to feed into it) and the clarity was amazing. The subs hit the high bass notes, and got lower than ive heard from a LOT of subs (which isnt that many, to be fair... and theyre 15"s which im sure helps) they were fast too, didnt sound muddy or distorted, at low or high volumes, never missed a beat.
the mids and highs were amazing as well, everyone who sat in the car swore I had bigger and more speakers than I actually did, or that I was running a lot more power than I actually was. all theire speakers I find to be efficient (low amp power, for some nice sound results), and very high quality sound reproduction. Yes that doesnt make grammatical sense...
Theres a lot of other brands out there, I had an alpine system (all type-r and a type-x sub) before, infinity components as well. ED for me has been the most cost effective, and maybe thats why I like it so much, but to me they sound the best.
Again, to be fair, I put all the stuff in my sunfire in a custom setup, built for the specs of the speakers exactly and pointing where i thought they sounded best, so that might make the difference, hell maybe sony speakers would sound good in that setup.
just my $.02
good luck with youre setup!
Ok cool thanks for the suggestions, this is all getting squished in my fiero so thats why im only running 1 8in, but in how small the space is, im sure that'll be more than enough
btw, i remember reading something on here long ago that this forum got a discount for ED? How would i find out what the discount is (if we still get it?)
sony isnt horrible if you use it right, It holds up good to normal wear and tear,
yea its not the best, but its cheap and i've always had good luck with them.
Oh and btw
Pioneer ftw
Ok so i have my subs and speakers narrowed down i think, gunna use the 9Kv.2 for the sub and possibly 2 sets of 6000i for the speakers in the front and rear. My problem is that i dont know alot about this stuff so which ED amp should i go with to power these?
also for the sub it says select voice coils: which do i want? D4 or D2?