i ran my 2nd battery in the trunk, 2 inline 150amp fuses, then grounded, and it doesnt seem to be charging at all.
am i missing something? is there something specific i need to do to get it to charge the rear?
any help/info is appreciated!
Hows it hooked up?
No isolator?
ill be up around your area soon, if we cant get it figured out on here, ill take a look at it for you.
Oh and do you have a voltmeter?
think i got a voltmeter somewhere.
i have it run with a 4 gauge wire(pos+) from front batt. to rear, with 2 inline 150amp fuses. then fron rear batt neg, grounded to frame.
i assumed it would cycle thru but it doesnt seem to be doing so
From the positive on the front battery or the negative? It should run from the positive of the front battery to the positive of the back battery with both negatives grounded to the chassis.
I ran 0 guage POWER AND GROUND from my front battery to the rear battery, Also ground the 2nd battery in the rear.
eazy more than likely it is jsut chargin slow. keep in mind the saem output alt not has to charge twice as much. its gonan take twice as long for both batteries to charge. plus without an isolator they will try to level each other out so combine slow charge with batteries trying to wear tehmselves down it all makes sense.
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
So no Isolator then?
Drive for a while, let it get a charge...
Then see if you have power with the voltmeter
This is very basic, but make sure you see Voltage on the wire twords the 2nd battery...