I was hoping some one knows of a website that has old pioneer user manuals. Im looking for the specs on one of those old school pioneer 12 IMPP, with the diamond plating on the cone. I wanna make a box for an oldy i have laying around, but i need the specs. Thanks.
M90'd Built LGO-15 PSI
have you tried the pioneer website, caus thats where i found the info i wanted on my old head unit.
1997 RedR - ZedR
i used to have a 12" IMPP diamondplate sub, it requires 1.5 cu ft sealed.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
i have a DEH 8600MP head unit and im trrying to find a manual online with little luck...
2001 2 door five speed 122k.
custom steering linkage pop
2000 s10 (THE WORKS)
type in the model number into google..and i think last time i looked on the pioneer website they had the old models..if not look at similar ones and pmake a sealed box..its safe to say for a 10" its about .75- 1 cuft sealed..phil