Hey guys, so first of all I have a 2001 Cavalier Z24, I installed my new deck last night, all went good except when i went to start my car to see if it worked, i noticed one light on my cluster burnt out (no big deal) but then I noticed that the Kms were not lighting up anymore (you can still kinda see them but its very dim and you need to hold up a light right close to it to see them) all my fuses seem fine, and i noticed that if you hit the top of the cluster(i got mad) that one burnt out light comes back on but the kms still do not light up. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
you and about thousand others have the same problem most say just smack it a good time and then it should come back on
I beat the hell out of my dash trying that..I had to change my cluster entirely to get them to come back on.. so best bet for you is to go and find a new cluster in a junk yard. then refer to the library for the re-learn procedure, if you have to do it

I had the same problem with my '03 cept I didnt change anything the kms light just went out.
I took it to the dealer (it was still under warrenty) and they replaced the cluster unit.
I agree with Steve-O find a junk yard one
Common problem....bang it see if that works. If you dont wanna go to the dealer you can change the bulbs or leds ? but i know its gonna be a pain in the arse. New cluster might be the simplest way to do it if banging doesnt work