Sorry if this has been discussed before, but is there a reason why everyone recommends replacing the stock 4x6 speakers with round ones instead of just another pair of 4x6 ones, which will fit without any modification?
Now I'm very confused... Please elaborate.
[ion wrote: C2]4 x 6 = 24
5.25 x 5.25 = 27.5..
6.5 x 6.5 = 42.25
for one
The area of a circle is pi x radius squared
2.625 squared x 3.14= 21.6
3.25 squared x 3.14= 33.2
Whereas a 4x6 is rectangular so 4x6=24 is correct, anyways...
Most people swear by larger speakers but if you're just upgrading the system in your daily driver, an upgraded 4x6 will work just fine. Most larger speakers molded into the door panel are more for show than improved sound, especially the 5.25 which is comparible with the 4x6. The 6.5 mathematically is better for sound and will sound a bit better but there is a lot more work involved for mildly better sound. Then when you factor cost in, 4x6s look much better lol.
I see! I think I'll save myself the extra work and just get 4x6's then.
Nevermind, I just read in the sticky that you can.
i replaced my door and rear deck speakers... Polk DB's.. sound great if i do say so myself.. the 4x6 are great.. they are not the regular 4x6's though.. the tweeter is mounted next to the speaker it self
just riding around in the 4 door cav
John W(Ranger1316) wrote:[ion wrote: C2]4 x 6 = 24
5.25 x 5.25 = 27.5..
6.5 x 6.5 = 42.25
for one
The area of a circle is pi x radius squared
2.625 squared x 3.14= 21.6
3.25 squared x 3.14= 33.2
Whereas a 4x6 is rectangular so 4x6=24 is correct, anyways...
Most people swear by larger speakers but if you're just upgrading the system in your daily driver, an upgraded 4x6 will work just fine. Most larger speakers molded into the door panel are more for show than improved sound, especially the 5.25 which is comparible with the 4x6. The 6.5 mathematically is better for sound and will sound a bit better but there is a lot more work involved for mildly better sound. Then when you factor cost in, 4x6s look much better lol.
gotta completly disagree with this post. yes and upgraded 4x6 will work but the averaget 5.25 componet set will in most instances outplay it, out volume it and sound allot better doing it. the 4x6's are genearlly drop in speakers and the speaker manufactures know this, they don't put a ton of r&d into these things, when you step up to a componet set wether it be 5.25 or 6.5 your getting allot more speaker for your money and it has allot more to do with just the size of the speaker. the materials on most componet sets are better then standard 4xs not to mention the most important factor being the crossovers. a good crossover can drastically improve the sound of a speakers and you get this with a componet set. a good crossover can make a speaker play clearer and louder then a poorly designed crossover i personally wouldtn even waste the time replacing my door speakers if i was just dropping in another 4x6. a quality 5.25 componet set can be easily dropped in without much work (an hour or two) and when amplified will sound tons better then a simple drop in 4x6 replacement.!/Square1Photography
The Poonman wrote:I see! I think I'll save myself the extra work and just get 4x6's then.
Extra work??? You can buy DIRECT replacement adaptors that will fit.
Also in my opinion, a ROUND speaker sounds ALOT more natural than an oval.
One more thing to notice is the power handling, you can amplify the 5.25's or 6.5's of almost any brand more than 4x6's.
Like Jason stated, they are made to be a "Drop-In" or factory replacement speaker. Which to me means less sound quality and less RMS power handling.
1more thing about someone who posted that a 5.25 is closer to the surface area of the 4x6, well you cannot measure a reqtangle frame and get the sq. inches of an oval speaker that is in the frame.
I installed 6.5 components in the front doors. They work fine. The only thing you have to watch is they are a little deep for the doors. Right now the surround is rubbing the door speaker grills in a big way. Also make sure you give it a healthy dose of wattage. Personally i wish I had gone with 5.25's. They wouldn't have been as deep. The front doors really arn't made for don't worry about that..I thought I was goin to gain bass. Wrong. I only lost it. They were rattling so bad and distorting at high levels, So I decided to turn the equalizer down on my amp. Like I said I lost my bass. Right now I'm looking at buying a Alpine MRP-250 to add to my Alpine MRV-T407 to I can feed the bass to my 6x9's again. Ever hear of bass blockers..or maybe a passive crossover? Don't waste your time, piece of junk..I know, I bought two. Don't stick with 4x6's, they limit SPL, power handling, and everything you can imagine. Definitely go with components, and I recommend 5.25, go with something like Polk Audio MMC525 or something comparable. The adaptors at from MJM are good quality. they will require some minor modifiaction. I had to modify mine considerably, but like I said mine don't really fit in my doors well. The point is, don't buy a door speaker for bass. You'll only hurt your system.
gotta completly disagree with you there redline. my 6.5's in the door are playing find down to the 70hz region. its all in the install. you have to pick the right speaker and install it properly with plenty of sound damping on the door. gotta keep that midbass up front where it belongs not in back with the 6x9's. youlle never have an accurate system that way.!/Square1Photography
I'd go more for the 4x6 just cause I'm not into blaring my music. I've gotten adapters from MJM before to fit 6.5's in a 4 door Cavalier before and I didn't like the outcome of having to cut the grills out to fit the speaker. Now it looks nappy.
sndsgood wrote:gotta completly disagree with you there redline. my 6.5's in the door are playing find down to the 70hz region. its all in the install. you have to pick the right speaker and install it properly with plenty of sound damping on the door. gotta keep that midbass up front where it belongs not in back with the 6x9's. youlle never have an accurate system that way.
I also have 6.5's in my door and they're fine... I have my crossover set at 80htz...Not sure of the slope, but they sound good and get loud... Play well all through their range.
wysiwyg wrote:i would say they bang, they don't really pound so much. but if
you want to bump, then they will bump and hit real hard and a lot good. 
John W(Ranger1316) wrote:[ion wrote: C2]4 x 6 = 24
5.25 x 5.25 = 27.5..
6.5 x 6.5 = 42.25
for one
The area of a circle is pi x radius squared
2.625 squared x 3.14= 21.6
3.25 squared x 3.14= 33.2
Whereas a 4x6 is rectangular so 4x6=24 is correct, anyways...
Most people swear by larger speakers but if you're just upgrading the system in your daily driver, an upgraded 4x6 will work just fine. Most larger speakers molded into the door panel are more for show than improved sound, especially the 5.25 which is comparible with the 4x6. The 6.5 mathematically is better for sound and will sound a bit better but there is a lot more work involved for mildly better sound. Then when you factor cost in, 4x6s look much better lol.
I don't wanna sound like a know it all but I have tried a few different speakers .. including 4x6 and 5-1/4 and even 6-1/2 of the same brands ( Infinity Kappas - not the perfects) using same head unit, wiring and amps .. and can tell you first hand even the regular two way 5-1/4 sound better than the 4x6s .. component separates sound even better ( currently using kappa 6.5 separates and I love them ).. again this is only one brand from personal experience and I don't know nearly as much as sndsgood does.
Installation is not hard .. if you really want a drop in, you can buy the plastic adapter that let you mount the 5-1/4 or 6-1/2 right into the 4x6 location with no modification .. I prefer to make my own adapter though.
Oh just for the record the correct area for the 4x6 oval speaker is 3.14 x 2" x 3" = 18.84 sq in ( approx)
Bryan wrote:I don't wanna sound like a know it all but I have tried a few different speakers .. including 4x6 and 5-1/4 and even 6-1/2 of the same brands ( Infinity Kappas - not the perfects) using same head unit, wiring and amps .. and can tell you first hand even the regular two way 5-1/4 sound better than the 4x6s .. component separates sound even better ( currently using kappa 6.5 separates and I love them ).. again this is only one brand from personal experience and I don't know nearly as much as sndsgood does.
Installation is not hard .. if you really want a drop in, you can buy the plastic adapter that let you mount the 5-1/4 or 6-1/2 right into the 4x6 location with no modification .. I prefer to make my own adapter though.
Oh just for the record the correct area for the 4x6 oval speaker is 3.14 x 2" x 3" = 18.84 sq in ( approx)
I was incorrect on the area of the 4x6, I was thinking about the rectangular look of the stocker even though the oval is outlined lol. Anyways...
I was not talking about components since the topic only referred to single speakers. In a DD with no amp, an upgraded 4x6(i.e Pioneer TS-4612) will work fine since there is a noticable difference from the stocker(I noticed a little better sound quality). I listened to a couple of Alpine 5.25s in a Sunfire at school with a similar setup and I did not notice a difference between the two. That's why I said the 5.25 and 4x6 are comparible. The 6.5 is notorious for not fitting the door panel without cutting out the grill so there is quite a bit of work involved but it does sound better compared to a 4x6 obviously.
I've never messed with components so I can't say anything about 'em. If the guy was looking for perfect sound, then I'm sure a couple of 6.5 components wired to an amp would be the way to go but it sounded like he was just trying to upgrade the stockers for a little better sound. The 4x6s are perfect for a slight upgrade, which I though he was going for. I'm not trying to sound like I know everything, I'm just going by what I've listened to and am currently using.
one thing to remember in car audio is just because is sounds bad in one car doesnt meant thats how they all sound, the installation has more to do with how a speaker is going to sound then the name on the dust cone. a poor installation will result in poor sound, i hated jl the first few times i heard them i thought they were complete crap, and then i heard them in a proper install and i realised that it wasnt the speaker the was the problem but the way they were intalled. there are a ton of 6.5's that will fit in the doors with very minimal work. you just have to do a bit of reasearch to get the actual size and deapth of the speaker, usually it can be as simple as cutting up a piece of 1/2" mdf to fit the speaker and which when sealed to the door will give you better results then going with those cheap store bought plastic adapters.!/Square1Photography
I installed a set of Polk 6.5" components over the weekend. It took much longer than 4x6s would have but it was worth every minute and every penny. I used 3/4" MDF and foam weatherstripping. The result is very good and the 6.5" drivers fill a dead spot in the frequency range between subwoofers and the 4x6. I have 5.25" Eclipse 2-ways in my '98 and while they sound better than the stockers, they don't sound as good as the 6.5" Polks.
BTW, I noticed that the stockers in '98 were complete crap with whizzer cones and in my 02, they had tweeters (though crappy ones).
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
sndsgood is my hero. jason, you're installing my separates when I get them....say...the bash?

He's right though....install is EVERYTHING. I've heard cheap ass bazookas installed well, and they smoke my amped infinities every day of the week and twice on sunday. all in the install...
and best buy/circuit city IS NOT A QUALITY INSTALL
I don't care if God himself installs them, bazookas sound like $hit on a stick, though an idiot can make the best equipment sound like garbage. Can't squeeze blood from a stone.
2002 Cavalier 2200 5spd
A stock 4x6 plate is ovular. a 4x6 speaker set up like Dracc's is obviously circular. You will get better, more crisp sound out of a circular speaker than you will out of an ovular one. It makes sense if you look at a picture of a sound wave. So, if you would simply upgrade to a 4x6 plate like Dracc's picture, you will recieve better sound as well as the drop-in fitment you desire.
sndsgood wrote:gotta completly disagree with you there redline. my 6.5's in the door are playing find down to the 70hz region. its all in the install. you have to pick the right speaker and install it properly with plenty of sound damping on the door. gotta keep that midbass up front where it belongs not in back with the 6x9's. youlle never have an accurate system that way.
Maybe you could tell me what to do with it I said the surround is rubbing. I just figured that it mean that it was too deep...I have Polk MMC6500. I used the mjm adaptors..they seemed to be good quality. I had to modify them a bit, but from what I've seen I can't get them to stop rattling. They're pretty close to hitting the window on the I don't have the magnet covers on them. I'm all out of ideas..any help would be great. Thanks