Well to start, I'm newer to the j-body forums but not to the j-body cars, I've had 2 previous to my current 2003 sunfire coupe. Is there someplace that the theft-lock code for the radio is printed? My car has had the cd player replaced before I bought it with a factory unit but there's no information on what the code is. I will need it when it comes time to replace the battery which I still have the original so it could be pretty soon. If the code isn't printed somewhere, where could I get the code or is there a generic code that works with all theft lock radios? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
your 03 should not need a theftock code when you swap the battery... the theftlock system in 00+ radios is designed to communicate with your bcm.. if you swapped in a new factory head unit then you would need to take it to a gm dealer to get it unlocked... but if you're simply swaping your battery there should be no problems