Ok, I just started driving and i love bass....i know a little bit bout subs and amps and wiring and everything...i just have a few questions...first of all, how do you match an amp with the subs...like i know you go by the wattage but like the rms is different on one 1,000 watt amp then another and i want to get the maximum bass from my subs...I am about to purchase 2 kicker L7 12" which put out 750 rms... i either want a fosgate amp or kicker...i just dont know if i need a 1,500 watt amp or more or less because i dont know how the amps will perform. Also, what is the point of a vented box? i have always been wondering that. does it just create more bass??? and for the setup i want, would i need a capacitor? and what amp and type of box would you recommend???
eager lil bugger aintcha? lol
try here
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:28 PM
hahahaha....yea i am....thanks man
Jonathan Edmund wrote:Ok, I just started driving and i love bass....i know a little bit bout subs and amps and wiring and everything...i just have a few questions...first of all, how do you match an amp with the subs...like i know you go by the wattage but like the rms is different on one 1,000 watt amp then another and i want to get the maximum bass from my subs...I am about to purchase 2 kicker L7 12" which put out 750 rms... i either want a fosgate amp or kicker...i just dont know if i need a 1,500 watt amp or more or less because i dont know how the amps will perform. Also, what is the point of a vented box? i have always been wondering that. does it just create more bass??? and for the setup i want, would i need a capacitor? and what amp and type of box would you recommend???
first of all, how do you match an amp with the subs
Make sure the impedence is correct. Ie. For a dual 2 ohm sub you need an amp that puts the rated power at 1ohm. Generally its ok to power a little over the RMS rating, its called headroom, but watch your gains tho not too high. I see you are going for 2 subs, I dont know what the impedence is but both of them together should make a final load of x amount that your amplifier will see. And a 1500watt rms amp should be fine.
what is the point of a vented box?
Gets louder than sealed, get one for the L7 and dont buy prefab, ask someone experienced to build one for you, proper enclosesure is really important for the maximum bass you want.
would i need a capacitor?
In theory... I find a capacitor unnecessary. Upgrade your wires tho, 1500w can be more than ur electrical can handle.. Search Big 3
mp and type of box would you recommend?
Fostgate and Kicker make great amps, but I have a US amps MD2D so of course I will recommend that.
thanks dan z24 i really appreciate it!
Capacitors can help, especially if you wire it close to the amp and in parallel with your battery. Capacitors are designed to store electrons and release them very quickly, much faster than your battery can. This allows more current to be drawn in a shorter amount of time, thus helping your amp to put out as much wattage as fast as possible. With my 5 farad capacitor Ive noticed longer battery life because of the reduced stress on my battery and more of a punch from the subs.
Also if your looking into capacitors be careful what you buy. Many of them advertise 500 uF, which looks like a lot, but is really only 0.5 farad. You prob wont see over 10 Farads at most.
Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.
The reason I find a cap necessary is that its also another load on your electrical system. Your alternator has to charge that as well. A big3 upgrade and a good battery can release the necessary power.
id go with a power capacitor. if your running 1500 watts u should look for a 3 farade. it'll allow you to store power while driving and make the battery not have to work as hard. you won't get dimming and my audio guy told me when i asked him about the big 3 that it should only be done with a big sound compition type system. a regular 1000-1500 watt system , shouldent have to have a the big 3 upgrade . if your dimming when the bass drops he suggests to get a power capacitor. If that dosent work then do a big 3, as for the capacitor you can allways go a lil bigger i believe it's 1 farade per 500 watts your fine with a 3 farade but you can go 4 to save more power, and get less of a dependance on your batt and the 4 will allow you to build on a bigger system. just my .02
Don't do a cap, do the big 3 and if need be upgrade to a better battery. Cap will only hurt your system.