I just got my first Sub and amp and i can figure out how to hook up power to it i understand how do the ground but what is the remote and how do i hook that up and how do i hook up the +12V.
You run a fused power from your battery to the amp, and the remote comes from your deck to turn on the amp. It's a switched 12 volt source.
Or if you want to go green
ya thanks for the good anwsers
with power and ground always hooked up the amp would always be on. The remote wire comes out of the radio and runs to the amp, basically that wire gives the amp the signal to turn on. So whenever our headunit is off (liek when you get out of the car) it stops sending voltage through the remote wire to the amp so the amp turns off as well.
i personally hve a few of these in my trunk... works pretty nicely, no headlight dimming....
"I did it because I wanted to see what it would look like. You should be greatful that I even told you that it would look good. If your to dumb to use photoshop and change the color of your own car then you don't need to see it changed. I'm not going to give my work away. I'll sell the pic to you though for $15."-Adam Kalin
^^JBO is about not being that guy
Joey Baggs (JCE Designs) wrote:you need one of these
I call shenanigans. A capacitor won't help increase the overall capacity of the electrical system. It's just helps buffer momentary loads.
If you really want to meet the demands of a "flux" level system, you need to pair that sucker up with one of these:
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