SO... I drove thru a big puddle, and my aftermarket security system is now acting oddly. It chirps and alarms as it should...BUT... it does it very very quietly. I took it to the car wash, with hopes of washing the siren, but the siren is located next to the ecu (on the top of the engine bay). It was dry.
So I am unsure of why the siren would be so quiet... i put my hand on the siren, and i can feel it chirping... it is just very quiet.
Any ideas???
it has water in it ,,,,or you have a bad ground for the siren..Just take it off and see if water comes out..If not check where it was grounded
siren got wet
get a new one (cheap) or wait it out and see if it gets better
Undo the siren, turn it over, let the water drain out. Because of how most of them are designed, they are kinda a right side up cup inside an upside down cup so the water gets thru the upside down cup and into the right side up cup.
If that doesn't work, just let it dry out. I've always had mine come back.
dry it out it will come back....
You have a rusted or corroded ground for the siren.
Thanks guys.
I just find it odd, that the sequrity system being as high up at is, got wet. It was dry to the touch when i checked it.
But I will check it out