k first im reinstalling my Power Acoustik setup i have with only one sub and the 1600 watt 2 channel amp. i was wondering how would i wire it up so i get maximum sound out of the amp without frying it. will 2 ohm due? or should i wire it up 4 ohm? amp does approx. 740 rms bridged but i dont know what ohmage thats at... it says 2 ohm stable on the front but not sure if thats bridged...
and what do you guys think of the alpine type X???? looks like sumthing worth a try but idk (yes im still looking for a good deal on a quality spl/good sounding system)
also what about mtx 9500?
would love to get a w7 but that aint gunna happen.......lol
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if its a 2ch amp that says 2ohm stable......its not 2ohm stable in bridged mode. so if you have a DVC 2ohm speaker, then wire it to 4ohm.
k how would i go about doing this? got any good diagrams its a 4 ohm dvc and the amp is a 2 channel i want it to go to 4 ohms how do i do it?
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could i wire each voice coil separate to the amp bridged?
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You could, but you can pretty much guarantee that there will be issues...don't do it. And as to wiring a 4 ohm dvc to put a 4 ohm load on ur amp, you can't do it. You can wire that sub to either 2 or 8 ohms.
well.....if you run it at 8ohm that 740 watts becomes about 380 watts. you could wire it 2 ohm and hope your amp has good thermal protection. I have no personal experience with power acoustic, so i dont know how much abuse they can take.
optimal situation is to get a different amp
It will take 2 ohms not being bridged and depending on what amp you got it might play at 2ohms bridge. The power acoustic i had played at 2ohms for almost a year then it started not to like it where it would go in thermal protection. It was one of there 1920 sphere amps and it had all kinds of abuse and still works fine till today. Must of got lucky or something. Why don't you just pick up another 2ohm so the amp would see 4ohms.
I've also thought of this but not sure if it would work. What if you soldered a 2ohm resistor in between say the positive wire going to the speaker so the amp would see a 4ohm load? It might sound stupid but i've always thought about it.
well i do have 2 pa subs (actually i have like 5 all different kind besides the PA's). anyways im trying to reduce it all down to one single sub(basically just want to try it). so there is no way to wire it at 4 ohms? i dont want to fry the amp. im going to try out my mtx 5500 on the 1600 watt amp and see how it sounds.(extremely overpower it).
right now i have an alpine mrp m350 hooked up to a mtx 5500 in a ported qlogic box. i want to put one Power Acoustik fubar in the q logic box with the 1600 watt amp but i guess i cant get full power out of the amp.... kinda blows my idea out the window.
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