Last night I installed my two new Diamond Audio D315's powered by my Hifonics 1505D (1500WRMS at 1 ohm, 900WRMS at 2 ohms). I wired my voice coils in series and connected them separately to present a load of 2 ohms to the amp. Earlier, due to the headache they've given me
I turned my gain down to 1/2 and my bass eq to 1/2 and now at low volumes I can hear a high pitched squeal coming from my subs! I've heard this can be because I'm running my RCA's next to my power, or because my ground isn't good enough. Any other thoughts before I go tearing into my wiring? If it's an easy fix, I'd rather not go to the trouble of moving half my wires and tearing the car apart :p
Thanks in advance!
There's a thin line to be crossed, when the upgrades to your vehicle increase your chance to get tickets by an amount exponential enough to stop worrying and build the fastest, loudest car you can.
Does the squeal change pitch at all? Specifically, does it seem tied to engine speed? That's a dead giveaway for a grounding problem.
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I've only noticed it with the car off, it's a convertible so there's a good deal of road noise otherwise. It seems like the same kind of squeal that results when I have my iPod plugged into the car charger, except that one comes from all the speakers. I'll take it for a drive and see if I notice it then.
Here's another question, if there any way that whatever is causing the squeal is damaging my subs? My amp would go into protection if the ground was faulty enough to cause damage right?
There's a thin line to be crossed, when the upgrades to your vehicle increase your chance to get tickets by an amount exponential enough to stop worrying and build the fastest, loudest car you can.
wiring is your first place to look start with the ground make sure they are touching bare metal, not painted metal . make sure they are the proper size and securely attached at both ends. then check the rca's make sure their not next to your power and fully connected. someone mentioned an ipod cord, if your running a cheap ipod cord check that, fiddle with it and see if the noise changes or goes away.!/Square1Photography
Relocated my RCA's, crisis averted. THANKYOU!!
There's a thin line to be crossed, when the upgrades to your vehicle increase your chance to get tickets by an amount exponential enough to stop worrying and build the fastest, loudest car you can.