HI i have posted this before (I know im a post whore) but it was under a different name very unclear name that had nothing to do with bl. this post i sort of a question post but basically for anyone that wants to build a box for the FI BL 12.
Well it started with this post
Topic About MTX 9500
Then I decided to go with the Fi Bl (thanks to SLOCAV) he then told me to check out SSA where i asked about the box build.
well as it stands right now i am still undecided on how i am going to build the box. I got some information from some one that i had contacted through Yahoo Answers and verified his info through a couple of Sub woofer box calculator and he had good advice. the next link is to a PDF of the DWG that is (as of right now) the box i will be building.
Now My question to any of you that has anything to say about the design of the box is that im wondering if there is anything wrong with its design? If you notice even the smallest little thing please tell me. I want to be 100% sure that this box will work for that application before i start the construction.
Thank you,
Anton Miller
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I would think that is a good design.
Did you get info on how long the port should be?
I didn't double baffle my plate, but then again mine is hatchback style.
yea he told me all the dims for the port and how big the box should be (in cu ft) and i went form there and designed it up.
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now only thing i wonder is. Which direction to fire the sub/port. I would think port and sub back would be the best, but I'd ask.
In a regular trunk box, that is going to be best results, to have it facing back. In some posts you act like you know a lot, in some you act all unsure about simple things......
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
Don't know if you were talking about Me or Anton, but yes I do know certain things, but I started getting into car audio a little bit over a year ago. So I am still learning some things.
yea im in the same boat as slocav on that (if you were talking about me) i know certain things pretty well but in the things im lacking i ask questions and when i dont get a straight answer i ask again, and again, and again untill i get a straight answer. sorry if some things get repetitive but i think i have the box building down about now. lol
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No, I was talking about Slocav, but at any rate, I hope youactualy find a setup that works for you. Seems like you have spent more time trying to decide than anything lol.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
YEA I KNOW RIGHT! lol i just finally found the right setup and it will be in production this weekend ill take pics and post them up. ill be ordering the sub SOON and i have no idea how long its going to take to get here but as soon as it does ill post up some videos after the break in period.
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ah yes, sorry if I do seem newb on some topics, but we all started somewhere right?
I'm happy to see you ordered the BL, exicted to see what carnage it does haha. It took about a week and a half to get my sub, from order to my door. Really isn't a break in period from what I hear, Just have at it, it will loosen up after a few days of playing, and gets quite a bit louder.
yea there will always be a break in period yours probly was just normal playing levels because of the 500 rms but i am going to turn the amp down to about 1/3 gain and have the bass nob the same for about a week then ill start giving her some juice. (cant afford to blow a 270$ sub)
Again Thank you for all your help
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alright, it is just I have heard mixed things on the SSA about break in, as it will just break in overtime, rather than taking it easy. But hell, I don't want to look like a newb and get my ass chewed for it now. Anyways, gain isn't a volume knob, you know right? Have it set for the preout voltage of the deck.
I more exicted to see how this sounds and what it does to your car, I know mine isn't even getting touched right now...and it is at 450-500w MAX not rms haha.
well the box is built and in my car and it makes a huge difference with just my crappy old fubar in it. i cant wait to see what kind of damage it does with the fi in it. Thanks for everything.
and for clarification on the print i screwed up on the hz call out it was supposed to 34 not 32.
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did you already order the Subwoofer?
Keep me updated on your build, pics, vids etc.
i would upload pics but i lost my camera some where (its kinda pissin me off) but i did order the sub i just had to try the box out and it works great like i said but as soon as i find my camera ill take some pics and videos.
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yea not yet i gotta find my camera but it sounds amazing!! super loud. ima try to borrow my sisters cam and get a vid
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Are ya happy you went with Fi then?
What kinda flex do you have going on. My windows look like they are going to fall out on low notes
yea i havnt really checkethe flex out yet its f'n cold here. lol but its gotta have some flex cause its loud as hell. and makes a quarter just about jump on the dash and and ive always had issues not being able to get anything to move in my car by bass but it does now.. but like i said i cant really tell ya how much flex i got and i NEED to upgrade my wiring (eg. do the big three and a cap) im not really gettin enough power to the amp.
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alright, glad you like it.
I'm only getting 450w max on mine and it flexs like crazy.
scratch getting a cap....they are pretty much useless and can do more harm than good from what I hear. Upgrade the big 3 to 1/0 gauge and see where you are from there, then probably a battery or cell in back.
well i allready have the cap so im gunna put it in and do the big three next weekend. its a 4 farad so basically like another battery back there. just need some help with the lows my lights dim allot! and i bought a new camera today so im going to take a video sumtime this week end if i can find a good enough spot to do it.
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put ur port into ur trunk this will make the sound resinate better and it will be louder so with that set up face it backwards trust me i have 2 AUDIOBAN imortals in my car rite now and u mite wanna acctually look at the mtx bc that sub is soo bad ass im gonna be switchin to a 15 double stack of that sub i just have to build the box
where else would you put the port?? and yes if you read the post i already have the sub and amp and box is built i could actually take some pictures of it right now but cant get any vids untill tomarro cause i dont want my @!#$ jacked.(gunna go to the industrial part of town and blare it there) lol.
and i need to update my sig with the bl instead of the mofo
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