Hey errrryone. Got an issue here that I need some guidance with. There's a seal between my voice coil and cone on my sub. This seal is flaking away and I hear a nasty rattle from that sub at low volume. It appears as though I can apply epoxy to that area, but I'm not sure if that's a viable method of repair. Any ideas?
There's a thin line to be crossed, when the upgrades to your vehicle increase your chance to get tickets by an amount exponential enough to stop worrying and build the fastest, loudest car you can.
Try the epoxy. Rattle is definitely not a good thing, sounds like you have a bad coil.
I mean, I'm looking for a new system anyway but I wanted to sell these subs too =(
Seems like the epoxy fixed it, time will tell I guess.
There's a thin line to be crossed, when the upgrades to your vehicle increase your chance to get tickets by an amount exponential enough to stop worrying and build the fastest, loudest car you can.