I am planning on getting an alarm installed on my sedan within the next week. It has no power options, which I don't think it really matters. I know that I am going to get a hood pin and trunk sensor installed. Should I get any other options, shock(touch), extra horn, etc?
Just need a little bit of incite, never worked with an alarm.
going to get installed tomorrow.
what type of alarm are you getting? im thinking about a 2 way compustar with the automatic starter. but im not sure what you would benifit from getting the shocker thing. ive heard of it but im not sure if it would help. with my luck some dude would be accidently grabbing my door handle get shocked and sue me. lol
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lol not the shock like you may be thinking. it is just a sense to any touch, not literally shocking. I think thats what it meant anyways. Thats out of the question anyways. But I am looking into a 2 way pager, with a good distance. Figure I will stick with the hood and trunk pins, don't see why I would need an extra horn, or should I?
out of my price range i would say, because i got a quote from a friend at abc for around 180
all i gotta say with this is you get what you paid for...rememeber that...what brand is the one you got a quote on?
I know what ya mean. Don't get me wrong in understanding there. I Am thinking it was Directed, not completely sure because it was about 2 months ago. I might just wait but go check what they have tomorrow
well good luck and check out other clifford alarms...i love mine....or try viper
about 90% of alarms come with the shock sensor (heh... the shocker). and if you dont have power locks, or a trunk popper, now's the perfect time to get them, even if only wired to work with the key fob. they're very inexpensive too. its just that it'll be a pain in the ass to chase wires later on after the initial alarm install if you decide you wanted them.
car audio noob since 1984.
well I'm going to look at alarms in a few hours, hopefully to find one today.
I'm not planning on getting any power options, just to keep the cost at a minimal.
OK, checked an alarm out today. It is a Python 702. 2-way pager w/ remote, I can get it installed w/ trunk pin for 200 dollars. That's w/ a discount though.
linky to the alarm:
i have the two with shock sensors and peramiter alarm and i love it..the two way alone is worth it...because of its distants and it notifys you