I plan to run a few competitions this year over the summer. My setup for then will be my 15" Fi BL in a 4.0cu ft. box tuned to 32hz(daily driver). Alongside with a Sundown 1500d, which pushes 3000w max
Now my questions follow:
If I run with the seat down, will this change the class I compete in?
Can i remove the rear deck without being put into a different class?
What class would I be in w/ or w/o the seat down?
It is in my 2000 Cavi Sedan btw, if that were to matter.
Thanks for insight.
do you know where to find out where competitions are in your area? (not trying to threadjack)
click sig for my car audio videos
not sure, i just go by word of mouth, or ask a car audio shop, in the vicinity.
that shouldn't matter what class your in. what matters usually is amp size, how many speakers u have, what size speakers u have, how much juice, wall or no wall and thats about all i can think of right now... depends on what type of competition really.. there are a few diffferent ones.
^^ The real jbody store!!!!!
really depends on what organization you're competing in, as each has their own class division and rules. will you be competing in dbdrag? USACI? something else?
your best bet would be to find out what org the comps will be geared for, and tweak your setup to compete in whatever class fits your setup best.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: if you think you're that much better than them because you're "correct" I hope your progeny don't turn out as screwed up as yourself.
Really no idea what I am getting into I'd say, just local comps to see what I meter at.
ROLIN19S help me out! I need just a typical comp to see where I fall in at.
Lets say I keep my backseat up, and take the rear deck off. Where would it put me in any comp?
put the backseat down as a whole....
modifications to the rear deck will knock you out of the dbdrag street classes, and likely put you in one of the modified classes in other orgs.
it's legal to drop the seat down in dbdrag street. other orgs have trunk classes where you may be forced to keep the seat up. you really need to check.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: if you think you're that much better than them because you're "correct" I hope your progeny don't turn out as screwed up as yourself.
Then you get into the wall, wall below deck and/or side windows, number of batteries, type of batteries, voltages, number and type of amps, wattage, etc. You've got two different mics, and a whole bunch of different places to put the mics.
alright so I'm just going to have to find out more info about comps in my area, before I ask anymore questions.
if its just local the rules could vary from store to store. most will base it off of one of the organisations rules and just modify them. i'd go to all the organisations sites and look at their event calanders there are so many spl comps your likely to find several in your area, then you can purchase their rule book and modify your car to meet the rules for the class your in.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
alright thanks for the help!
thanks for that link
Found that I am going to try out the freestyle class first off to see what I meter at.
Just found this thread:
Back when I use to compete, in my Grand Am I did not have a fold down seat from GM, I simply unhooked the top of it and layed it down. Well someone complained about it and tried to get me disqualified for MODIFIED in a Street class. Well a few of my friends had Grand Ams too, so at the show we took out one of their FACTORY fold down seats and installed it in my car. Problem solved.
In your case, your seat folds from the factory, so laying it down shouldn't matter. Unless they changed the rules.
We are gonna check into gettin a mic set-up for the shop, if so we will have some dbDrags there. I'll let ya know.
you are allowed to fold the seats down and if they dont fold, your allowed to unbolt and lay it on the seat.
03 cavalier
us amps 100hc running at .5 ohms
digital designs 3512
yellow top g34
kenwood ddx-8019
awesome, thanks james. can't wait to see what she reads out at.