Can you guys suggest a good one for me? Not looking to spend a ton on one. Ive looked at the AudioControl Epicenter. I like the line driver I have from them. But I dont know what im looking for exactly.
What exactly are you looking for the processor to do? If you don't know exactly what you are looking for, how are we supposed to know, without knowing what you are looking for it to do????
On the other have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
You sounded like Willy Wonka.
Sorry I didnt mean that I didnt know what I wanted it for. I want to level out my bass and squeeze some more out and work on some overall sound. This would come after a new box of course but I just like planning ahead. I just dont know what features etc are useful.
always been a fan of the cadence CEQ770 myself.
Bigger subwoofer amp. Problem solved
I do have an epic 160, it can drop things an octave, and adjust the volume of it.