I have these 2 15" Volfenhag's in a divided box (Well one's "Performance Technique" same sub, just different color, logo. Warranty bull@!#$) Kinda was looking to get rid of.
Kid wants to trade 2 12" Sony Xplods in a box and a boxed 12" XO for them
I have 2 10" XO on an 800 Xplod Amp in right now
If I traded, or kept the 15's I have a brand new 1000w Xplod available but I would probably keep the 10's (on the 800W) in. (Unless I built/ordered a custom box to fit all 4/5 and the two amps)
Kid REALLY wants the 15's.
Question is. If I did trade would I be getting a fair shake? Three 12" for Two 15" seems good, but its quality not quantity.
What do you guys think?
Stephen wrote:Ted K wrote: but its quality not quantity.
What I meant was I'm more concerned with quality over quantity. But if the 3 12" would be better than the 2 15" then I would go with that, if the 15"s are better I'll stay with them. I just don't want to end up getting screwed. I kind liked the 15's when i had them in. They hit pretty damn well.
When you hear something that sounds good, you'll @!#$ bricks.
im not one to get into the whole what brand is better, but honestly volfenhags are not anywhere close to the quality side of things. buddy of mine was a dealer of audio gear a few years back and store prices on something like their 12's was around 8 dollars. their really not worth much and dont sound good. personally, i'd trade him your subs, take the sony's and then sell them for something of higher quality personally.!/Square1Photography
Huh....That sounds pretty good.
yeah. niether of those brands are anywhere NEAR quality
I kinda got that from the bashing.
If I can get more money out of the 12's though I'll trade with the idiot.
yea i had vollfenhags and they are terrible, worse then xplods, but xplods are not good. i think you can buy volfenhags on ebay 2 12" for like 60dollars and xplods from walmart but i would trade like they said and then get better..i wont trade my w7 for anything.
"No greater love than this that he lay down his life for his friend"....John 15:13
I also think mixing and matching makes baby jesus cry, makes me punch myself in the face while clubbing baby seals.
Left hand for punching or clubbing?