my driver side window motor went on me a few months ago, it started to go really slow until it stopped working all together. i bought a new 1, changed it myself and it works perfectly
now a few days ago my front passenger window started having a similiar problem. the window goes down no problem but i need to yank on the window and press the button to get it to go up, and most of the time that doesn't even work. i decided to buy another motor and do the same fix. after drilling out a ton of rivets and putting the new 1 in place, it still didn't work f***! so i tested both motors off my battery and they both work fine (up and down). to the best of my knowledge the regulator and all those tracks in the door look good.
so i tested all the electrical with a test light and it seems perfectly fine? when i press the up button 1 lead on the plug lights, and on the down button the other lead lights; so both are getting power? even with the motor off the regulator (just hanging from the door) it still doesn't go up which leads me to believe its the wiring somewhere. any advice? think it maybe the switch?
If the switch isn't making a good connection, that would cause that exact problem.
i changed a window motor in a grand am one time, brand new motor and it wouldnt roll the window all the way up, i got it fixed, but it ended up being that the track was on crooked, there are usually bolts that hold them in, and if there is there is usually some adjustment to them so you can move them from side to side, i'd check that out and see if you can make it go up and down that way, and if that doesnt work start tracing wires
to check the motor take out the two wires attached to it and flip them around. thats what i did to get my window up when my switch went out. so when you press the window to go down it will go up.
but i owuld say its the switch go get one at a junk yard they cost like 3$
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ive checked a ton of junkyards already, cant seem to find one.. either its been ripped out or manual windows..
but for sure its not the track, the motor was plugged into the plug hanging off the door and it still wouldnt go up
the switch seems like the only logical solution,
now just finding a switch lol
anybody recommend a salvage yard that would have this switch and other random 00-02 cavalier interior parts (dash, center console, dash bezel etc.) in mississauga or GTA area