I know this may be random but I think we should have an audio- specific forum. It doent really make a big difference but it would be nice!
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
this forum is the audio forum. I don't think it's that cluttered to need to be divided by which electronic devices you are asking about.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
Up until a few days ago this forum had like one post for a few days. The traffic isnt high enough to warrant another forum.
9 out of 10 threads seem to be specifically on car audio, no point in making a separate audio forum IMO.
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote: if you think you're that much better than them because you're "correct" I hope your progeny don't turn out as screwed up as yourself.