I know next to nothing about sound systems(hence why in never in here). So i'd thought you guys might have fun building(on paper) a "system" for me toss in the car when i get bored over the summer. But there are limits.
1. 2 subs max.
2. No walls or huge boxes.
3. Subs/amps have to fit in the front half of the trunk between the strut towers(i have 10" sub(s) in mind).
4. Sound Quality is very important, but i wont use it for competitions.
5. Like the rest of the stuff i do, prices will only affect the completion date.
I currently have Pioneer 4x6s in the doors and Pioneer 6x9s in the rear deck and a cheap ($100) Pioneer headunit. All off Wal*Mart's audio shelf(YAY!!!!).
BTW i do have the skills to fiberglass myself custom enclosures and boxes.
Sooo, whatca guys got?
219whp - I <3 whine
Ill do it but gotta be a little more specific. How much power you wanting to no with? Any pricing limits at all? Any brands you favor? Dislike?
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
Omg that's funny @!#$ . I was actually leanin more towards a roadmaster headunit
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
Brent Dames wrote:Ill do it but gotta be a little more specific. How much power you wanting to no with? Any pricing limits at all? Any brands you favor? Dislike?
Not ALOT of power i guess. I usually keep the music down so i can still hear other things, i just mainly want more "depth".
Well im not going to pay $1000 for a sub(not worth it for me), but if a good high quality sub is like $500 i wouldnt mind.
I am not partial to any brand.
Im also thinking of replacing the H/U with a in dash screen type deal.
sndsgood wrote:kraco head unit with jenson subs a pyle amp and radiovox 13 band eq/ booster. you be rockin dem beats yo
I look at subs and amps and have no clue how many watts i need, how big the box needs to be, what components i'll need to "match" the subs, etc. Looking at audio stuff is kinda like looking at an Italian menu, the pictures look good but i have no clue what the writing means.
219whp - I <3 whine
Go for some Alpine Type-R 10s. They are a nice all around sub and will only take around a 2.5 cubic foot sealed box.
This may not sound good to others but if you don't mind spending a little bit of money, I'd look into either bose, infinity or Boston acoustics . Ill get ya some specs here in a bit, not feeling too good.
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
so you dont want loud, you want quality. im going to suggest a single 10" fi audio Q (D2), powered by an alpine 1000/1 (the one that does 1000wrms at 4 ohms), with some nice 2 gauge welding cable for power and ground, pioneer head unit. im not good at front stage or rear stage stuff so ill leave that to other people.
click sig for my car audio videos
ugh.... some people who come into these threads and try so hard to look like absolute geniuses...... If you are serious about getting some insight on what to look for, how to go about it, good products, and even install tips shoot me an IM. I'm not a fan of just throwing brands and models around anymore. It's so much more user specific, you might benefit from a good in depth conversation. I don't know who Brent is, and Anton scares me because he recommends things he has no personal experience with... Something that irks me beyond belief. Recommending things you don't know first hand is just as bad as telling wrong information. Just stop talking if you don't know!
Anyway, my screen name on AOL IM is JLAudioCavalier as well. get in touch if you got time.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
Your car may do 13 sec @ 103 mph, but my car does 146db @ 35 hz.
Tinkles wrote:Hmmm, sexy amp...
more 6.5"s
I dont know the differences between the 2 sets... 3-way v.s. 2-way? does it matter?
10" sub
800 Watt amp
1000 Watt amp
That stuff looks nice, but i dunno if im on the right track. I do like the aesthetics of Rainbow's stuff and the prices dont seem that bad.
I already know what your are going to say Jeff.
the most i can add to this thread is....
oooh........ shiny.....
car audio noob since 1984.
Mm :p I just wanna lick it , so purdy!
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
Man, you should research it and pick some stuff out on your own. I came here for advice, got lots, and now plan on doing the rest on my own. I may not be able to compete or win any awards but there is sure a lot of satisfaction with it.
You should take talk to JLAudio and learn some stuff, but I really think you would appreciate your sound far more knowing how it all works and making it your own.
Sean Clair wrote:
You should take talk to JLAudio
Where do you think i got the idea for Rainbow parts?
219whp - I <3 whine
I know that wasn't aimed at me, I know exactly what you came here for compliments of a magical ability called reading. if I remember I was the first to help ya out and I'm just messing with ya. Oh and ya don't have to talk to me about appreciating systems, every system I have owned I have installed and bought.
have a wonderful day
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
I was talking to Tinkles. Just want him to be happy with his system thats all. And I dont really understand what your last post is saying but thats alright. haha
Oh ok. My bad bro. Didn't mean to jump down your throat. Oh and sindownfire' reply to my new topic damnit
144db@38hz! It hurts so good !
Yes I highly recommend looking into Rainbow after talking to you about your ultimate goals with the whole set up. But don't buy off woofers. They are not authorized. There is a story about how they sneakily attained the ability to say "internet authorized dealer" but they aren't. believe me Rainbow themselves will give you an earful if you ever asked them about that... Been there. Anyway, If you do decide that higher end is where you want to be, I have already given my dealer the bug in his ear. Just say the word and I will start getting numbers put together.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
Actually, if you're looking for something decently loud, with good sound quality and good on the pocketbook...
Set of Opti 6.5 components in the doors
Pair of ID Q 10's in the back
32 hz tune
Something 75x2 or 100x2 for the front speakers
then a monoblock, we'll go 500x1@ 2 ohm to be nice on the electrical
It'll get semi loud, sound wonderful, and not set you back thousands.
Your car may do 13 sec @ 103 mph, but my car does 146db @ 35 hz.
jl how long has rainbow been making amps? tinkles i knoew their speakers are great and if i plan to do another system they are on my list of possible buys. i dont know to much about their amps myself but id have to think they would be built with the same quality as there speakers, 90% of the people you tell what you have won't know who they are but that okay lol.
oh and my origonal post was all junk stuff people were buying 15 years ago
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, January 28, 2010 5:06 AM
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sndsgood/ https://www.facebook.com/#!/Square1Photography
They have been making amps for a few years. Actually, their subs are the only product type that they offer that I don't have personal experience. They had the Kraftwerk amps for a while, and now the new iPauls are even nicer. Compact, sleek, quiet, and powerful. Just like the Alpine PDX amps, they are all the same size so clean "show off" installs look awesome. I actually just a few months back put a 4.300 and a DM2000 in a Tahoe. They look killer.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart