So heres the deal. I hate trying to figure out audio! I installed some speakers in my car last summer and lost ALL bass quality from the setup. Stock 6x9s sounded better.. . I went stock sized all around because I didnt wanna do any cutting or modifying to my doors and such. Plus the price of 4x6's isnt bad at all. So heres the setup right now..
Kenwood Excelon KDC-X494 head unit
Boston S75 4x6" door speakers
Pioneer TS-A6985 6x9" rear deck speakers
The Pioneers are a super old model I am assuming. I got them used off of Skilz10179.
I know the doors are wired right because those are fool proof. However I am not sure about the rears. There are only two tabs for wiring on each 6x9 and the car has 4 wires going to them.. What color wires (out of the 4 total per speaker) am I supposed to use for proper sound?
I also have the factory amp still wired in and untouched. Could this cause an issue with sound quality?
I really dont want to invest any more $ into audio if I dont have to. I am not trying to "bump" my 6x9s. I just want them to sound better than stock.. currently they sound much worse..
Thanks guys. Hope this all makes sence..
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
Technically you can't use any of the four wires to run store-bought 6x9s.
One pair is putting out midbass, one pair is putting out treble. You can use the pair for midbass which will net you the best "easiest" result
You can bypass the crossover components on the speaker itself (bye bye warranty). Cut the tweeter wires from the terminals on the speakers and wire the car's midbass wires to the speaker terminals and connect the car's tweeter wires to the wires you cut off the terminal.
I think I will do the 2nd option! I bought these speakers super cheap and I could care less about their warranty.
Now what color wires do what? Thats my main question.
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
Taken from the
Left rear tweeter +: Tan, pin F15
Left rear tweeter -: White, pin F16
Left rear subwoofer +: Dark blue/white, pin F5
Left rear subwoofer -: Light green/black, pin F4
Right rear tweeter +: Red, pin F14
Right rear tweeter -: Tan, pin F13
Right rear subwoofer +: Light blue/black, pin F11
Right rear subwoofer -: Dark green, pin F10
Upon further inspection I came up with this.. keep in mind its a 2002. If that matters right now.
Left speaker wire colors:
-Brown (hooked up)
-Yellowish or tan (hooked up)
-Blue with black stripe (not in use)
-Green with black stripe (not in use)
Right speaker wire colors:
-Dark blue (hooked up)
-Green (hooked up)
-Light blue (not in use)
-Light blue with black stripe (not in use)
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
I don't know those colours off hand *shrug
You'll have to just try them. 50-50 chance you'll get it the right way around. Pick the one that's loudest (There should be a big distinction) for the woofer.
These wires are in a 4pin plug that used to go to the speakers, right?
They were in a 4 pin plug at one time... We did play the " guess and check" game. Must have thought the treble wires sounded better at the moment of testing! There was no clear distinction when we tried unfortunantly.
I will guess and check again soon.
I should have just bought the right speakers!
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
It's not the speakers. These cars have goofy wiring. Another way to do it is to run wires from the speakers to the
inputs on your factory amp. The how-to is in the sticky.
I have a 4 channel amp for sale that I used for my doors and rear deck in my cav if you go that route. PM me if your interested
sndsgood wrote:id suggest buying a simple 4 channel amp and power your aftermarket speakers properly. it will sound allot better then running them off the radios head unit power.
This is what Id do. I put speakers in my friends GP and they have the same goofy wiring as your car and I couldnt get the rears to sound right. I told him to take the rears out but he insisted on having them.
Some people like to simply replace their stockers. Not everyone is out to spend big on amps and components and setting up a good sound stage. There is nothing really wrong with that, it's just everyones preference. If you aren't big into audio, you usually don't care about all that.
So with that said, I would agree with the amp suggestions though. Definitely get a cheap 4 channel. It is more installation work, especially if you do it right and run the wires properly and not all over the place, but it will pay off big in the end. Something that puts out like 50 watts RMS(at 4 ohms) to each channel would be plenty for most simple drop in coaxial speakers. Don't get a crap brand, but you can find good ones(especially used) in really low price ranges. I don't know what kind of amp Twisted has or what he is asking, but if his doesn't suit your needs, I can help you find some good deals. Audio is too fun for me not to try to help lol.
On the other have other fingers.

Some say he invented November.
Thanks guys! Mucho help for sure! Gonna look into some amps at a local audio store that a friend works at. Probably have them do the install also. My ADD kicks in when it comes to wiring things.
I do love audio. I just don't wanna go wild with this car. I wanna hear rock/metal in clearity with a bit of bass!
BeardLife /
Club Awesome Reject Blog
trust me. you will like the sound with a small amp much better. even if your headunit claims its a 50 watt output even a 50 watt amp would sound better because it will actually put out 50 watts. you dont need anything huge. just a nice small 4 channel amp. like said 50x4 would be plenty. those speakers will come alive when on an amp versus off of the head units power. you can find something small, hide it out of the way and no one will ever know.!/Square1Photography