i will post up what im looking at in links, with some basic info.
just looking to see what one to go with. i would like to stick to these
brands and in the general price range of $150-250 per sub. also
staying with a 12" sub. and they will be put in a SEALED box. i know
everyone gonna want a sub in a ported box, but i loved my MTX's in
my sealed box i had in the cavy, and would like another sealed box.
after hearding both a sealed and ported box, i liked the sound output
of my sealed better.
now my questions, besides what to go with are.
im going for nice loud sound. but more importantly
is that it sounds amazing to the ear. i dont wanna be
loud and sound like complete sheit. i want it loud and
to sound good. so help me out, i LOVED my MTX Thunder 5500 12's
now the other question would be, dual 4 or dual 2's? ...my MTX's were dual 4's
worked good, and sounded good. dunno what the real difference is besides for
it being the voice coils. whats better? does it matter what amp i go with? because,
once i figure out what subs im going with, i will be looking at amps to power them next.
and probably have a post quite similar to this one!
on to the subs:
dual 2 ohm
dual 4 ohm
dual 2 ohm
dual 4
dual 2's square
dual 4 square
dual 2
dual 4
dual 4
Its a shame you specifically want those brands but want good sound. For 250 each I can get you a custom built sub that will blow all those out of the water. But some peiople are more interested in the most well known brand than the best possible sound for their money...
As for amps and coil configs. Of course it matters. If you are getting 2 subs, I would recommend dual 4 ohm coils. So that you can wire them down to 1 ohm. Amps putting out their max power at 1 ohm are cheaper than those at 2 ohms by general rule.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
You think god never farted?
Sundown Audio SA-12
$190 and will perform better than most of those subs. I also hear theyll take quite a bit over RMS.
Ive never been terribly impressed with the P3 subs for the money and Ive never really heard any of the other subs.
You probably didnt like the sound of the ported box because frankly you probably didnt hear a decent ported box. I would go ported personally unless youre really concerned about space. A crappy prefab ported box will sound like crap. Either have someone whos knows what theyre doing build you a box or build it yourself if youre willing to put the time into figuring out how to properly build a box.
JLAudioCavalier wrote:Its a shame you specifically want those brands but want good sound. For 250 each I can get you a custom built sub that will blow all those out of the water. But some peiople are more interested in the most well known brand than the best possible sound for their money...
As for amps and coil configs. Of course it matters. If you are getting 2 subs, I would recommend dual 4 ohm coils. So that you can wire them down to 1 ohm. Amps putting out their max power at 1 ohm are cheaper than those at 2 ohms by general rule.
idk, its just kinda a comfort thing. sticking with what you know and have heard before. i know me and u have talked about some speakers and amps and subs and all. very interested, and sounded like some real good stuff. but going with something i didnt know first had, i was uncomfortable with.
TheSundownFire (GME Chat) wrote:Sundown Audio SA-12
$190 and will perform better than most of those subs. I also hear theyll take quite a bit over RMS.
Ive never been terribly impressed with the P3 subs for the money and Ive never really heard any of the other subs.
You probably didnt like the sound of the ported box because frankly you probably didnt hear a decent ported box. I would go ported personally unless youre really concerned about space. A crappy prefab ported box will sound like crap. Either have someone whos knows what theyre doing build you a box or build it yourself if youre willing to put the time into figuring out how to properly build a box.
i have heard of Sundown, local shop sells them. mite tke a look at those as well. like i said, im mostly looking for stuff to please the ear but be loud at the same time.
here is the ported box i heard:
its a rockford box, with rockford P1's in it.
i think he mite be running too much power to them,
caz when they hit real loud, they sound horrible.
normal music sounds ok, but i like how the sealed box
u feel the bass more, and hear it. while my friends ported box,
u get less vibaration like feeling, while still making noise.
as for my boxes. my friend owns a wood/cabinet shop. his dad taught him
how to build stuff since he was a lil kid. his dad died, now he owns and runs
the shop, as well as being the main worker/builder there. he knows what he is
doing, he made my last sealed box for my MTX's 1 cubic foot each sub. sounded
agree with what's been said, probalby not much diffrent between the name brand store brands listed above. nothing wrong with them, they are just average subs. you could get allot better for the same amount its just some people won't know what brand you have because they don't sell them at walmart or best buy.
as for ported versus sealed. both can sound excellent when built right. chances are you heard a ported box built for bass. or a box built for sound quality by someone that doesn't know sound quality. nothing wrong with wanting to go sealed. but know ported can be just as accurate.
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sndsgood wrote:agree with what's been said, probalby not much diffrent between the name brand store brands listed above. nothing wrong with them, they are just average subs. you could get allot better for the same amount its just some people won't know what brand you have because they don't sell them at walmart or best buy.
as for ported versus sealed. both can sound excellent when built right. chances are you heard a ported box built for bass. or a box built for sound quality by someone that doesn't know sound quality. nothing wrong with wanting to go sealed. but know ported can be just as accurate.
like i said, my friends ported box was the Rockford Fosgate box, built by Rockford for their P1's.
so it shouldnt be the box, if they designed it correctly. so idk y it sounds so crappy [well at least to me]
i just liked the sound my sealed was, and kinda like what i said with big brands that i know. i stick with
them, because i know what im getting. with other less known companies, i feel like im taking a risk, and
that worries me. so i think, to feel safe, i think i will stick with a sealed box again.
also, although the Sundowns u say would be better than al of the subs i posted up, looks play a big part in them too, at least for me.
i mean, no one will really see them, as they will be in the trunk, but i guess to me it matters, i have to look at them everytime i pop the trunk, so i want them to look nice too.
those sundowns look real funny looking to me, lol.
i think im either leaning to wards the SoundStreams, or the MTX's
because i have used both of their products in my cavalier, and have been
very satisfied with them. although these two do put out the least power of them all.
but im still in the air. and still looking for other opinions.
it also looks like CrutchField is a big upseller for Boston Acoustic,
what can you guys tell me about their Component speakers? they are
alot more money than most other brands on their site. worth it? or a set of
kickers or something comparable at the fraction of the cost?
That P1 box is tuned too high and thats probably why it sounds like crap.
The basket on the SA-12s do look funny but the cone is shmexy IMO.
For 250 you can get two 12" Type-Rs on eBay. Theyre pretty good all around subs and would probably do what you want of them.
TheSundownFire (GME Chat) wrote:That P1 box is tuned too high and thats probably why it sounds like crap.
The basket on the SA-12s do look funny but the cone is shmexy IMO.
For 250 you can get two 12" Type-Rs on eBay. Theyre pretty good all around subs and would probably do what you want of them.
do you think they sounded good to the ear?
thats my main worry, i know the MTX's should, and the
Sound Streams should, i heard last years model SS's
and my old MTX's i liked. i just wanna make sure, im getting
what i want outta these that i have picked.
also, speaker wise, on crutchfield im looking between
the Boston Acoustics linked above, and these Kenwood Excelons
im leaning more to wards the Kenwoods. because, again, im unfamilair with Boston.
what is your personal opinions on those two?
I really wish you would shoot me a budget and let me get you into some higher end stuff. You would be blown away at how much better some things can sound and perform over all in your price range... Seriously. Speakers, amps, subs, even enclosures(although you seem to have that covered), I just try to do everything I can to get people to see how much better things really can sound.
Especially if you are planning on spending $280 on KENWOOD components. You could get into a KILLER set of Rainbows for that price and not ever look back.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
You think god never farted?
MTX isnt exactly SQ stuff. Definitely talk to this guy ^^^^ about some components. Hooked me up proper like.
well I had a kicker l5 as my previous setup with a rockford 500.1.... the first box was a cheap premade small box with a port which was ok but tuned very high. Than I had built a 4th order bandpass for it and ended up being tuned low(haha) but sounded great. I would probably not suggest this sub in a sealed box..but than i would not have a sealed box in any of my systems ever again!!! but thats just me. I will also agree with these guys in saying you can probably find better subs in that price range...like the sundown sa-12. I have 2 of sundowns sa-8s and extremely happy with them and only have a little over $200 for both of them.
just because you havn't heard the name doesnt make them a lesser known or less reputable risky company. go to any sound quality event with people who know about actual audio and they will all know the higher end brands and tell you how much better they are then the brands mentioned. kinda like saying, well i know the cavalier brand so i feel safter buying a cavalier then i would buying a ferarri or lamborghini. try not to get to hung up on looks either, hell if you want looks buy audiobahn there all chrome and shiny and look pretty. of course most of there design of their products goes into making them look pretty instead of making them sound good. even if a speaker is ugly you can alsways make a nice trim ring and cover to hide it. it should be about how it sounds.
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sndsgood wrote:just because you havn't heard the name doesnt make them a lesser known or less reputable risky company. go to any sound quality event with people who know about actual audio and they will all know the higher end brands and tell you how much better they are then the brands mentioned. kinda like saying, well i know the cavalier brand so i feel safter buying a cavalier then i would buying a ferarri or lamborghini. try not to get to hung up on looks either, hell if you want looks buy audiobahn there all chrome and shiny and look pretty. of course most of there design of their products goes into making them look pretty instead of making them sound good. even if a speaker is ugly you can alsways make a nice trim ring and cover to hide it. it should be about how it sounds.
oh no, 100% not what i am thinking at all. i know that they are quality companies. and have extremely good products. its that im just affraid to venture into something unknown. i know these brands, i feel comfortable purchasing them. not knocking the quite better, less known companies. its just i have never delt with them, and im kinda the guy thats affraid to try new things. also, as i said, they are in my trunk everyday, and i will have to see them everytime i pop my trunk, so i want something that sounds good and is attractive to the eye at the same time. im big on looks as well. i mean, some people are all about performance, im more about looking and sounding good, and then performance. its just how i am.
also, JL u are PM'd
whats not good looking about this...haha. and if your not going to have your subs inverted there's not a whole lot of visual differences between subs. Though i was the same way as you on venturing off to these not as well known brands. Had a buddy of mine push me over to sundown and I don't regret it what so ever. Don't know if I will ever go back to the "main stream" brands.
Funny thing is, the sub builder that I would recommend to you not only builds AMAZING sounding subs to your specs/needs/requests... But he can do custom logos, carbon or custom colored dust caps, custom colored cones, spiders, baskets, etc.... But I understand not wanting to venture onto things you don't know. I just wish you could get over that inhibition and allow me to show you "the light" when it comes to MUCH better sounding, AND EVEN BETTER LOOKING! gear. I would say as far as your "I see them every day" factor, A sub completely customized for you with whatever logo and color combo you chose would be way cooler to see than some run of the mill Best Buy or big name brand that everyone else has.
A couple examples of the work:
If looks are a deciding factor, just give in when I say I can get you into much better sounding AND looking gear in what seems to be your price range. Especially if you plan to save a bit here and there and do it one piece at a time.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
You think god never farted?
And btw, you asked about those Bostons. While I haven't heard that exact set, I can say in the $400 range for component speakers, I can STILL get you into much much much higher end stuff. $400 on speakers is a very nice budget for great sound. I think if you trusted me, I could get a killer quote on a matching pair of amps too. Rainbow makes some very nice high quality amps as well. @!#$... if you would just talk things out with me, and let me help, you might be surprised what kind of prices we can work on the high end stuff. Seriously... PLEASE step out of your comfort zone and dare to get into the big dogs
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
You think god never farted?