now time for the good stuff. THE AUDIO!!!!!!!!!
here is a picture of some of the equipment. I'll post all the pics I have from when I built it however, I have sold the amps I have in the build. I'll post pics of new amps later
we will start with what I did under the hood
here is how it started
then I did this
took this out
replaced with this. I get a million hp from this thing!!!!
a few runs of 1/0
and the finished for the most part
now lets go inside the car. this is a picture of my headunit. It looks kind of goofy however, I have redone this since the picture and it looks great now. I now have the proper dash kit for it
and now the trunk. I didnt take many pictures but thats because I never finished it
now as far as install pics go thats all I have for you however here is a picture of the equipment that is going in when I have the time. All Image Dynamics.
looks like your having allot of fun, battery setup looks nice, id just look at recutting the top plexi piece. doesnt look straight and would look 10x if you really finished the top cover piece off nicely. i like the equipment your switching out to. ive been using id stuff for years. get some pics of the finished pics of the headunit and such so we can see how that turned out.!/Square1Photography
Thanks man. Yeah I forgot to mention that my plexi over the front 2 batts was only a mock up to see how I liked it. I just used cheap 1/8" plexi for that. I bought some 1/4 to redo it with just haven't had the time.
And with ID products I absolutely love them. They make solid products and customer service is excellent. The owner actually cares about the customer. He and I have bs'd a lot about my install and he helped pick everything out
Cool stuff. Couple questions though:
Why did you mount the tweeters so high? Seems like sort of the worst place to mount them since the L/R distance difference is bigger than even a sail panel mount.
Where are you going to mount those waveguides?
Did you run your wires under the barrier material?
How did the carpet fit over it all?
Believe it or not the tweeters sound incredible well up there regardless of the different paths length. That is where my time alignment comes into play. I have just about a perfect center image. It occasionally favors the left side. Just depends on the song. My a pillars where actually built by one of my buddies on team id. They are exact replicas of what he has in his cavi when he competes.
As far as the horns go they are made to be mounted underneath the dash. Once these are installed I will no longer be using my tweeters unless its just 10k Hz up and only if I feel my soundstage is low.
All of my wiring is mounted above the mlv and the carpet fits pretty well surprisingly
bradsk88 wrote:Cool stuff. Couple questions though:
Why did you mount the tweeters so high? Seems like sort of the worst place to mount them since the L/R distance difference is bigger than even a sail panel mount.
Where are you going to mount those waveguides?
Did you run your wires under the barrier material?
How did the carpet fit over it all?
yeah the horns should take care of his highs for the most part. allot of time with the smaller cars and using horns you get a great width and deapth (extremely great) but height can suffer a bit so guys will run tweeters up high crossed over pretty high just to pull the sound stage up slightly.
i used to talk with matt allot before i would build my boxes just to get the most out of them. been years since i talked with him. not even sure if he's still with them or not. i have been looking at there 5 channel amp to possibly power my system in the trailblazer with an idq15 for bass (if there still making the 15)!/Square1Photography
Matt is still with them. He personally modded all 4 of my amps. Great guy. And they are no longer making an idq 15 however the v2 is still available
Well dammit. Ive been looking into an iDQ 15 for my sub too. I suspect the iD12 wont last the summer. I may beat on it a little bit.
I wish I had the time/patience to rip out my interior and do my install how it needs to be done.
Brian Smith wrote:As far as the horns go they are made to be mounted underneath the dash. Once these are installed I will no longer be using my tweeters unless its just 10k Hz up and only if I feel my soundstage is low.
I understand that, but there's not much room in our footwells as it. Will you be mounting them behind the plastic of the underdash, or below the dash, sacrificing foot space?
Brian Smith wrote:All of my wiring is mounted above the mlv and the carpet fits pretty well surprisingly
Above eh? I like running my wires under the mlv so that there is a uniform surface for the carpet to lay on.
Can't tell in my car where the wires are so no big deal to me.
And the horns just go in the bottom portion of the dash as far back as possible. Shouldn't mess with leg room much
TheSundownFire (GME Chat) wrote:Well dammit. Ive been looking into an iDQ 15 for my sub too. I suspect the iD12 wont last the summer. I may beat on it a little bit.
I wish I had the time/patience to rip out my interior and do my install how it needs to be done.
tell you what the id's are nice but there is a definate diffrence in sound with the idq.!/Square1Photography
wow. awesome job so far. Those horns are going to be bad ass. I only got 500k out of my intake. Thats bs you get the whole million
sndsgood wrote:TheSundownFire (GME Chat) wrote:Well dammit. Ive been looking into an iDQ 15 for my sub too. I suspect the iD12 wont last the summer. I may beat on it a little bit.
I wish I had the time/patience to rip out my interior and do my install how it needs to be done.
tell you what the id's are nice but there is a definate diffrence in sound with the idq.
Dont tempt me Jason. Ive got tax return money sitting here begging to be spent on more audio.
Jason, u know who to call when the wife gives you the green light on the trucks audio lol
And to the op: if you bhave any good amount of damp pro leftover let me know
On the other have other fingers.

"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.