hey i need some help im looking for a new sub to replace my 12in type r. im a sq guy so i would like some reccomndations on some sq subs. my budgets about 300 but i would like it to stay closer to like $220-$250 im looking for deep tight clean sounding bass but at the same time i want it loud and want to be able to feel it. im not sure what size sub to go with or which ones are more for sq just looking for some opinions thanks for the help. i also have a 500 watt alpine amp that would be powering it
What model number on the amp? Depending on the wiring config alowable, a 12" Rainbow Hammer might fit perfectly!
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
500w at 2ohm 300w at 4ohm i was also looking at the rainbow amboss whats the difference
Hammer is a lower level, more SQ oriented, the Amboss is a lot more for the person looking to get louder with their stuff, but still have the Rainbow sound and build quality. Do you need a price quote on an Amboss?
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
possibley to be honest ive never actually herd a good sq system soo i dont exactley know what im looking for. i like it to be loud but at the same time i want to still sound clean and be deep and feel the bass. i really had no problems with my type r except it just couldent hit the lows deep notes. i want to be able to feel and hear those low notes
Let me get a price on an Amboss. I'll tell ya now they aren't cheap lol.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
Would be about $270 for a 12" Amboss.... BUT they are only available in dual 2ohm configuration which would mean you need an amp that is stable down to 1ohm, or providing 600ish watts at 4 ohms to really get the full potential out of one. The Hammer is also only available in dual 2, but 300 watts would move it pretty darn good until you could upgrade to an amp that could give it 4-500.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
na im good i really dont want to upgrade my amp yet its not even two years old and works fine lol but thanks
Then(as far as rainbow goes anyway) your options would be a hammer wired at 4ohms(which I promise is a great sounding sub!), or going real high end with a profi
On the other hand....you have other fingers.
"You really need to staple your face shut"-THE Joey Baggs.
You should be able to get good SQ from a type-R, especially if it's a newer model.
The real question is what kind of box is it in? Box design can make or break a sub, literally.
bradsk88 wrote:You should be able to get good SQ from a type-R, especially if it's a newer model.
The real question is what kind of box is it in? Box design can make or break a sub, literally.
I agree with him, I have the older Type-R model and Im really happy with its SQ. The box i put mine is a sealed one and I believe I built it for .85 cu. after displacement. He is right about having the right box for your sub makes all the difference.
its ported im switching to a sealed box but the subs blown anyway so i was just trying to get some ideas since i have to buy a new one anyway
Why switch to a sealed box? You can get great SQ from a ported box.
well from what i hear a sealed box is more for sq and i just feel like with the ported its just a little to boomy sounding
Not necessarily true. While I prefer sealed boxes for my own, esoteric reasons, given the right instruction ported boxes can sound amazing.
ehh lol idk my box dosent sound too good soo i figured id try somthing different