ever since i installed my amp it's been making high pitched noise.
it's quiet but annoying and is coming from the amp itself (not speakers).
i was running another identical amp in the car before and it wasn't making any noises.
what could be causing it?
Is it fan cooled? And have you tried unhooking the speaker wires? Or the RCAs? And where is your amp grounded?
it is not fan cooled
tried unhooking wires and rcas.. amp is bolted to sanded trunk
Make sure your ground has a solid connection to clean, bare metal. (NOT a seat/seatbelt bolt)
Also what kind of deck do you have? (http://www.j-body.org/forums/read.php?f=4&i=147387&t=147245#147387)
it's very quiet high pitched noise that can only be heard from no more than 2-3 feet...
i got a kenwood deck and my ground is clean and secure.
also i noticed there's an alternator whine ..
all the problems arose when i installed this mono amp for the subs.. i have another amp for mids and highs and it's not causing any problems.
Oh I mistook your description of 'high pitched noise'.
If it's physically coming from the amp, going off experience I would say it's a bad transistor in the amp.
That's the only time I've ever heard electrical 'ringing'.