I have those blue led bars from walmart, There not cheap junk, they are very bright and look awesome. I have no clue how I could do this, but I want to hook them up to my rpms somehow, Like when you hook them to your speakers they brighten up with the bass hit, I want them to brighten up with the rpms, as the rpms get higher, they get brighter. Like I said I have no idea how I could do this, any ideas?
That would get really annoying, real quick.
I'd put a toggle swich on it
I have no idea how to wire it in.
I don't know how you would do it exactly, but I can guarantee you that someone over at Oznium has tried this or at least thought of it before.
If you think the lights at wal-mart aren't cheap junk, then you should by some quality stuff and see the real difference.
You cant do it easily. This us just completely me pulling something out of my ass but you would probably have to find some way to convert the tach signal into useable voltage.
Its not as simple as splicing into wire a and wire b.
if they are the pulsing ones the receiver takes the vibrations from thespeakers n sound waves n converts to the signals to send to the leds. idont think. itll work like u want it to. need to find a way to get the rpms gauge signal to power the converterbox. even then its sketchy.
Why not a shift light? Or an autometer dpss? What you're describing sounds like it'd get old real quick.
car audio noob since 1984.
Could us a potentiometer attached to the throttle butterfly. I agree it'd get old pretty quick. i have a basslight in my back window too.. lights up nice when I want it to. I usually end up turning the bass down anyway cause it gets annoying. turn it back up for passengers.
LED pulse under glow lights easy to make
When they just pulse it is. But with RPMS? Not so much.