Yesterday I decided to change out the factory radio on my 2001 cavalier. I purchased a harness and wired it according to the instructions on the harness and my radio.
What I did not realize is that since I bought the harness without the stuff to get the door chimes and such working I did not have a switched power wire. I installed the radio but when it didn't work I started examining the wires to see if I had done something wrong. I accidentally touched the constant power to ground and blew the radio fuse (forgot to disconnect power after I tested). I figured out the problem was the switched wire and decided to just go back tot he factory radio and order the other part later. I reinstalled the factory radio without issue.
I changed out the blown radio fuse and then tried to start the car. It seemed to start for a second but then died. I tried again and got nothing (no cranking).
I thought maybe the battery was dead or a loose cable. I tightened the cable then went and got my jump starter pack (one of those battery packs that lets you jump start a car). That didn't work and my car started to act very odd. Now I only get a check engine light (which was on before this, apparently it is a faulty sensor or something). Sometimes I also get a constant anti-theft light (Unless it comes with every cavalier I don't have an anti theft system).
A couple times everything seems to come on properly, dash lights. Headlights and turn signals work. Most of the time everything is dead.
Sometimes when the key is turned to the off position the gauges on my instrument cluster whirr for a second and seem to be trying to move backwards.
I also get an odd clicking noise from somewhere on the drivers side.
The car does not start or turn over at all. I get nothing when I turn the key.