Now that i have you attention can yall post of find pics on ecotec cavs supercharged.
Built not bought!
Do a member search for Airtonics, project done.
Search my Cardomain page, I'm supercharged with the Vortech blower.

ok that looks good but i did the ecotec swap should i do a custom job or the bolt on and also ummm yeah whats the big $*#&ing deal with people saying turbo is more maintenence than supercharging im curious to know what extra maintenence you will have with either.
Built not bought!
Post Edited (02-07-06 3:22 PM)
It depends on what you want to do - you can custom fab your own intake mani for an Eaton charger, buy GM's 2.2L Eco charger (which finally came out), or purchase the RSM kit. Its your preference, we can't really tell you what to buy or build.
Turbocharging is often less reliable because there is much more tuning involved, especially with greater power numbers. The risk is greater when boost gets turned up, and you have to keep a closer eye on your fuel, air, exhaust, etc.

Airtonics wrote:My website/install pics
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.............................. that is freaking beautiful............. GREAT job.........
and a 14.1 isn't bad either.............. DAMN
JDM Civic Hatch
Status: Parting Out Turbo Kit....
14.224 @ 102.01MPH @ 5.5psi.... 2.3 60'
Next: Civic JDM B16a2 w/GSR LSD Turbo - Goal 300whp 1400lbs...
look in the gallery for pics of the cav's that GM built
ill be starting on the 1 going in my g/fs cav real soon

Thats Him Officer The WICKED One.
Here is me

1989 Turbo Trans Am #82, 2007 Cobalt SS G85