i was wondering what you guys are using for a supercharger ive heard of guys using a eaton m90 and a m62 charger also the gm super charger
i have a 97 2.4l cav with manual trans
so what charger would you use for around 12psi iam gonna be doing this at the end of the summer so i need to get some info and parts orderd
and what is needed to be done to the m62 and m90 to make them work. i have read the sticky about the gm supercharger so i just need to know what is needed to make the m90 or the m62 charger work
thank you very much
read the sticky at the top of the boost forum, that has supercharger info for pre 00 cavaliers
the eco supercharger is the eaton m62
i dont know off the top of my head what the 2.4 ones are tho, sorry i couldnt help much
ECOTEC >>> M62
2.4L (LD9) >>> M45
I believe the M45 is the S/C for the 2.4L, unless i'm thinking about the 3800 S/C. Someone correct me if i'm wrong. And yeah, read the sticky at the top of the forum, it comes in handy before posting
ALright, you cant go out and get these chargers and slap them on. What you are refering to are the supercharger kits, there is one out for the 2.4L and one out for the 2.2 Eco, the 2.4 is a m45, and the eco kit is a m62 I believe, almost positive. The 2.4 is pretty much on the limits at 10 psi, and that is with small pully and alky injection, the Eco charger I am not really sure about, I dont think any1 has it at its limits yets. I have heard some numbers like 15-16, but I am not sure.
i know its not a direct bolt on and yes i read the sticky about supercharging pre 99 and i know there is only one kit out there for the z24 2.4L the m45. but with that being said i have seen ppl with a eaton m90 supercharger on there 2.4l cavalier so what did he have to have a custom manifold made or what i know it is possible so are they using a custom manfold??? and why would you need alky injection for 10 psi?
The M90 is a bigger supercharger that is used on the 3.8 V6 in the Grand Prix GTPs
yes i know that the Eaton m90 superchargers came on gtps regal gs, bonniville but i know for sure that at least two guys have the m90 on a 2.4l cavalier on guy has the charger painted lime green along with the rest of his engine. so now what i really want to know is would i need a custom manifold made. or is there a place to buy adapters?
I'm pretty sure you'd have to get a custom manifold made. I dont believe the bolt pattern to secure it down is the same as the M45.