My story:
I just got back from the Dyno for tuning and it turns out my engine is eating more air than the s/c is putting out with the stock pulley (ie. Not seeing any boost). On top of that I’ve run out of room with the stock s/c injectors (94% and still lean). So obvious plan is to swap pulleys (2.5 pulley most likely) and upgrade fuel injectors and pump.
When I originally put on the ported head (s/c was installed, no exhaust work) and we threw in a base tune, we were having issues for a while with the car not being able to idle properly. (something along the lines that at idle the injectors were fluctuating between 1-3% and the car would simply turn off the injectors as it was fluctuating and the car would die). We were able to sort it out by adding more fuel and that helped alot and things are running much smoother now, but we have a concern that if we go to a bigger injector the problems at idle would end up returning. Just wondering if anyone experienced a similar problem with a larger injector size installed and how they resolved it.
Also wondering about what fuel pump size to go with and fuel injectors (discussed with my mechanic and he recommend minimum of 450cc for injectors, but we still need to research more, hence why I’m here). I’ve also heard there are issues with the 255lph and some people are planning on using a 190lph. would a 190lph be sufficient?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!