Actuator, Supercharger By-pass 88960487 - 163.78
I think I need a new vacume bypass valve for my SC 2.4. I am talking about the little black thing under the blower, when I was stripping the paint off the SC 2 years ago I think I got some stripper in there so it wont hold pressure or something. I only get 4PSI with the 2.6 inch pulley. So I am going to buy a new one and replace it.
I found on GM Parts direct the part for 88.62 but is there anywhere I can do better?
Let me know if anyone knows anything.
Chris 1998 Z24 Convertible
2.3-2.4 HO ADAPTER FLANGES 65$ shipped, Check GP Forum!
gm parts direct is usually cost on the part , and they make up some of the profit on the shipping fees
so as far as a better deal else where prob not
Unless it is seized in the applied position this will not cause a boost leak. If it doesn't hold vacuum its like its vacuum line is disconnected means the bypass door is closed. The actuator only bleeds boost when vacuum is applied (low or part throttle applications).
Dealer cost is 85, GMPD sells for 10 over and rapes for shiping.
i could get it for 10% over if your really intryested.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
I think you should go for it. I have the original pulley and now after I changed my injectors im seeing 3.5-4psi (was seeing 2.5 before) and judging by the weather Id at least expect 5-6. Since my charger was shipped, Im assuming something happened to the valve. I say take it and let us know what happens, you might want to give Eaton a call and say if they supply the valve (thats what i was going to do, they should know all about their contract with GM)
Eaton Corporation
Telephone: (216) 523-5000
ive said that befor.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Mine was smashed in an accident back in 04. When I called to see about getting a replacement I was told that I had to send them the charger and if it could be replaced they would fix it. Magnuson will not sell individual parts to you, unless they have suddenly changed their policy. I just zip tied mine in the closed position and deal with the reduced fuel economy.
There is only one more thing I can think of and thats the vacume line under the blower by the flange, would i get low boost numbers if that was leaking? 1998 Z24 Convertible
2.3-2.4 HO ADAPTER FLANGES 65$ shipped, Check GP Forum!
mitdr774 wrote:Mine was smashed in an accident back in 04. When I called to see about getting a replacement I was told that I had to send them the charger and if it could be replaced they would fix it. Magnuson will not sell individual parts to you, unless they have suddenly changed their policy. I just zip tied mine in the closed position and deal with the reduced fuel economy.
Then you didn’t talk to the right people.
Chris, cheek to make sure the flapper valve is actually closing, there is no way anything would have the size to deal with the volume of air to decrease your boost by one pound, that’s at least 90 CFM.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
Any info on how to check this? By flapper valve do you mean just put your finger by the bypass and see if it moves when you rev it? I cant understand why I get such @!#$ty boost numbers and a car still in the 15s.
GMSC 1998 Z24 Convertible
2.3-2.4 HO ADAPTER FLANGES 65$ shipped, Check GP Forum!
no, when its off it should be closed, go under the car, look up and move it with your hand,
Can you feel the valve close? ( should feel like it "seats")
if no, ajt. it so it travels all the way.
if yes, you got biger issues, cheek the Freez plugs, rotor housings.
or call magnason's tec suport line, speedracerz should have it. ive had to call them befor from work (GM parts)
and there very helpfull.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08