I want to know what people think about this topic. I dont know what the actual name of the racing style is ... but its some what like a road course or auto-xing. I have a Ecotec and im contemplating on what i want to do with the engine. Ive heard the the supercharger is fun as hell on the streets because of the fast boosting, but ive also heard that in the high RPM's superchargers get to warm compared to the turbos. I would be shooting for 200 hp to start and work my way up when im able to. I think ive told you enough, now you tell me what you think!
I've put a lot of thought into this, I really think for autoxing the supercharger would be the way to go.
But, you'd be in a class with turbocharged cars with considerably more power.
Your advantage would be a linear power bad while they had a higher power. You'd probably be torqueyer...lol.
The supercharger's heat can be governed with a few supporting mods. Intercooling it, the dual pass, water injection, colder plugs, nitrous...stuff like that. If you're only shooting for 200 horsepower, you ca do that easily.
Small turbocharger td04-15G or T25. Want something that will spool fast and give you full power early on. You'll never go below 2500RPM's typically so thats where you want it. With a supercharger unless you put a significantly smaller pulley on it your not going to gain the full benefit until you get up to the higher revs. Our cars will spool up a small turbo extremely quickly so you'll have massive torque for most of your power band and be able to use it everywhere.
This was my original plan before I decided to go DSP, I really can't afford to have anything happen to my car for the next year or 2 and possible engine blowing isn't something I can risk. But my decision was full on small turbo, and for the $3500 or so your going to pay for a GM setup you could get the level1 hahn kit HP tuners and full power thru most of your power range instead of just at the upper half and top end. If you assembled your own kit you could do it for even less.
Thanks for the insight here guys! it looks like im going to be ordering a s/c this summer. Im still new to the superchargers so i dont know everything about them as in what this does, what that does. Can any one tell me what the "dual pass" is? ive seen it for sale at paceperformance ... but not one clue as to what it does, where it goes. I said 200 because i want to get use to it and up it as i go. go with larger injectors smaller pullies and a fully built engine.
Definitely a small yet efficient turbo. You don't want a turbo so small that you heatsoak it to the point of uselessness halfway through your first heat, but you also need the quick power.
2200 OHV. 462 hp / 396 tq *RIP*
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